Thursday, March 08, 2012

Dean Martin, A Buddha?

Hey pallies, likes today we 'gain return to our classic movie guy pallies Joe Morella and Frank Segers fabulous film blog-o, "," where as I expected they have featured my Dino-ruminations on master storyteller Nick Tosches' Dino-tome, "DINO: Living High In The Dirty Business Of Dreams," headin' linin' the prose, "Dean Martin, A Buddha?"

Cool of these dudes to be givin' our most beloved Dino quite a bit of space at their pad these days. Nice of 'em to tag me, "One of our biggest fans — thank you very much," and likes indeed I am certainly a fan of any pallies who are Dino-hearted themselves.

Any who, gotta 'fess up that I was surprised when they sez that I "surprised" 'em with my Dino-reflections on Tosches' brillant Dino-volume. Sounds likes they expected me to diss Tosches and defend our Dino. Gotta also 'fess up likes that they made no no response to me 'bout their thoughts on Tosches' tome. Likes when I leaves 'em some patter, gotta ask 'em to lets us know why they were "surpised" by my prose and get us some Dino-thoughts of their own.

Anyway, we sez thanks to pallies Frank and Joe for continuin' to lift up the name of our Dino at their space, sure to bring others into the Dino-fold. To view the entire article which includes responses to other posts, as usual, just click on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-heartedly, DMP

Dean Martin, A Buddha? That Other Pedro, Bette Davis & Lawrence of Arabia. Readers Sound Off!

Mar 07 2012 Written by classicmovieguys

Hello, everybody. Joe Morella and Frank Segers, your classic movie guys, once again dipping into our e-mail bag, and coming up with interesting reader responses.

One of our biggest fans — thank you very much — is Dino Martin Peters, who (as his monicker indicates) is ga-ga about Dean Martin.

Last week we posed the following question to Dino: what do you think of a somewhat less than flattering biography about your man?

We were not referring to the books written by Martin’s children, Deana and Ricci, but the 1999 Nick Tosches tome, Dino: Living High In The Dirty Business of Dreams.

Well, Dino in his inimitable prose style surprised us with the following:

Hey pallies Frank and Joe, how great to have you feature my Dino-thoughts in this here post. To me Tosches’ stunnin’ Dino-bio is not the sort of masterpiece that one reads cover to cover likes any ordinary volume.

DINO: Living High In The Dirty Business Of Dreams is our main man’s main book, and I see it as the essential Dino-resource for all Dino-philes to savor and delve deeply into over and over again.

As scriber Nick points out….our Dino is likes the ultimate engima…likes totally totally unknowable, but Tosches does a stellar job of puttin’ the life, times, and teachin’s of our Dino into one portable source. Others have spoken of Tosches havin’ sorta a love/hate relationship with our great man…and I thinks that is perhaps the best way of framin’ his amazin’ work.

In other writin’s on our Dino, Tosches has described our most beloved Dino as “an American Buddha” and I find that a brillant comparison. You may wanna checks out the Dino-amore-day 2012 post at ilovedinomartin tagged Dino-amore Nick Tosches Style where we posted Tosches amazin’ Dino-essay God Created Dean Martin In His Own Image Then Stood Back, which is chapter 27 in Nick Tosches’ Reader. Anyone who questions Tosches devotion to our Dino simply needs to read that amazin’ reflection.

BTW, did you know that DINO: Living High In The Dirty Business Of Dreams won Blender Mag’s top award for greatest Rock and Roll bio of all times? Pallies who shy away from Tosches’ tome simply are afraid of seein’ all sides of our great man’s great life. Those who truly love our Dino loves each and every detail of his amazin’ life journey.

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