Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Somehow, this is exactly how I pictured Dino on a plane would look .

Hey pallies, likes all I can say is likes woo-hoo pallies! The Dino-love just keeps pourin' in from all over the 'net 'specially in this month of Dino-amore. Today ilovedinomartin takes you to the swingin' blog pad "Retrospace," where a dude tagged
Gilligan has posted likes a totally totally rad photo essay tagged "The Groovy Age of Travel #8: Stewardesses."

Gilligan has assembled likes a totally totally awesome parcel of retro pixs of stewardesses from the past. And, likes tucked somewhere in the midst of 'em is this amazin' pix of our most beloved Dino billowin' and cooin' with a couple of swingin' stews so so eager to grant our great man his every Dino-desire.

Loves how the one stew-chick is actually sittin' in our Dino's lap, likes what a thrill it musta been for her to be so so close to the King of Cool. Kinda wonderin' what the three of 'em are gazin' at. Likes what a coup it musta been for the pallie who shot this candid polaroid Dino-moment!

ilovedinomartin expresses our deepest of the deep Dino-appreciato to Gilligan and the pallies at Retrospace for sharin' this swingin' Dino-pix with their readership....'nother great moment of deep, pure, and true Dino-amore! To view this in it's original format, likes clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-viewin', DMP

The Groovy Age of Travel #8: Stewardesses

Yep. That's a candid polaroid of Dean Martin. Somehow, this is exactly how I pictured Dino on a plane would look .


  1. Man o man pal...I love this pic!!! He's right...this is EXACTLY how I would have pictured our great man on a plane! Ha Ha! That's our Dino!

  2. Hey pallie, likes I just knew you woulda gets such a kick in the head over this candid Dino-shot. Indeed, how else woulda our most beloved Dino act on a aero-plane.
    Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, just been waitin' for you to chime in...just knew you couldn't resist commentin' on this darin' Dino-pose... Keeps lovin' our Dino and happy last day of your fifties!

  4. I wish i could be Dino for even a day

  5. Hey pallie, likes Deanager Levi, you and me both and me both! Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  6. man, he is cool, he is gr8. Love him and miss him :(

  7. He was so great, lovely, cool, awesome. I love him and miss him so much :(

  8. Hey pallie, likes Miss Karen likes coulda agree with you more...thanks for joinin' in the Dino-patter here at ilovedinomartin, and above all else, keeps lovin' our Dino!
