Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Dino-amore Day to all our Dino-hearted Pallies!

Hey pallies, likes Happy Dino-amore-day to all youse Dino-philes. Truly truly no one is more amore then our most beloved Dino...in fact likes if you looks under amore in the dictionary what will you find as the first definition? DINO of course.

So, likes what the million dollar question is what to share on this Dino-amore-day 2012? But then what 'bout our Dino woulda NOT be appro on this day when we put the accent on love? Well, likes can't share everythin', so I likes have decided to share simply one of my most fav vid clips from the Dino-show.

This is one of our great man's great couch songs, "I'm In The Mood For Love," and likes I gotta 'fess up that the plain and simple Dino-truth is that I am likes ALWAYS ALWAYS in the mood for our Dino....'cause they is simply no one that brings me more happiness then our amazin' Dino.

Watch our Dino as he nuances each and every syl-la-ble of each and every words not only with his amazin'ly awesome voice, but with his stunnin'ly stellar facial expressions as well!

So, likes sit back and soak in the special amorin' that only our Dino can impart to his most devoted pallies! Happy Dino-amore-day and keeps lovin' our lovin' Dino!
Dino-amored, DMP


  1. DMP,
    I'm a day late. Sorry.

    Happy belated Dino-amore Day!

  2. Hey pallie, likes no problemo Miss AOW, lieks I takes me so Dino-amore any Dino-day that I can. Keeps lovin' our Dino!
