Saturday, February 04, 2012

Don’t Miss Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes I'm always always so Dino-gized when I read of public television helpin' in the Dino-mission of growin' pallies up in their Dino-devotion. And, so I just had to add this additional Dino-gram this here day to lets all youse know that this very very Dino-night on New York PBS's WNET, Channel 13 will be airin' that amazin' Dino-classic "Ocean's 11" at 9:03 p.m. EST.

In honor of this stunnin Dino-viewin' op, Channel 13 station's blog "THIRTEEN," where their flick crit Mr. John Farr holds forth at his "Reel 13" pad, has created a very very lovin' Dino vid-'n-scribed trib tagged "Don't Miss Dean Martin."

In a matter of less then 3 minutes, Mr. Farr speaks with such wonderful wisdom 'bout three of our great man's greatest screen performances..."The Young Lions," "Some Came Running," and "Rio Bravo." Likes you simply must click on the Vimeo Vid and hear Farr's delightful insights into our most beloved Dino's sensational screen performances. John ends his ruminations with these tender true thoughts on our Dino...."TO SUM IT ALL UP.....THE MAN WAS A PRO."

In addition to Farr's wonderful spoken Dino-reflections, he has also written brief comments on each of the three Dino-classics, lettin' pallies likes us know "What It's About" and "Why I Love It." On this fourth day of Dino-amore-month it is so so Dino-heartwarmin' to hear a professional film critic who is so so full of Dino-amore!

ilovedinomartin salutes WNET Channel 13 for puttin' the accent on our Dino by screenin' "Ocean's 11" this very Dino-evenin' and for their man Mr. John Farr for speakin' so so devotedly 'bout our Dino's actin' prowess. Simply does this Dino-heart wonders to find 'nother pallie who loves our Dino likes we do! To view this in it's original format, as usual, just clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. And, likes if you are in the Channel 13 viewin' sure to watch our Dino on the little screen. Dino-always, DMP

Don’t Miss Dean Martin

Friday, February 3rd, 2012 at 1:49 pm

by John Farr

Best Movies by Farr: Ocean's Eleven from Reel 13 on Vimeo.

Dean Martin, co-star of this week’s Reel 13 Classic, Ocean’s Eleven, achieved fame with his smooth singing and straight-man partnership with Jerry Lewis, but the reason he enjoyed a such an enduring career is that he could really act.


The Young Lions (1958)

What It’s About:
During WWII, singer Michael Whiteacre (Dean Martin) and Jewish American Noah Ackerman (Montgomery Clift) enlist and strike up a close friendship. Meanwhile, in Germany idealistic Nazi supporter Christian Diestl (marlon Brando) joins Hitler’s army and becomes an officer in the Wehrmacht. Over the course of the war, each man falls in love and confronts unpleasant realities. Ackerman battles anti-semitism among his own countrymen; Whiteacre feels guilt for getting a cushy assignment far from the front lines, and Diestl becomes increasingly disillusioned with Nazi brutality. Thus director Dmytryk explores the gray areas to be found in war, and in all human conflict.

Why I Love It:
Based on Irving Shaw’s novel, Edward Dmytryk’s perceptive rumination on love, war, loyalty, and fate is notable for offering one of the first three-dimensional portrayals of a Nazi character, courtesy of Brando, in a surprisingly understated mode. Clift’s own turn as the proud, patriotic Jew is one of his shining moments on-screen, while Dino eased into his first serious screen role with assurance. Great support from Lee Van Cleef (as Clift’s racist superior), the superb Maximillian Schell (as a cynical Nazi), and Hope Lange, Barbara Rush, and May Britt (as love interests) keep these “Lions” roaring.


Some Came Running (1958)

What It’s About:
Returning to his Midwest hometown after WWII, card-playing soldier and once-promising novelist Dave Hirsh (Frank Sinatra) is a perturbing presence to his older brother, Frank (Arthur Kennedy), a well-to-do businessman who feels Dave is more trouble than he’s worth. When local creative-writing instructor Gwen French (Martha Hyer) takes a liking to Dave, he cleans up his act, but his acquaintance with Chicago floozie Ginny (Shirley MacLaine) and card sharp Bama Dillert (Dean Martin) threatens to undermine their budding romance.

Why I Love It:
In the wake of “From Here to Eternity,” Warners adapted another James Jones novel for the big screen, pairing director Minnelli (best known for musicals) with Ol’ Blue Eyes, who puts in solid work here as a wayward writer with a troubled heart. On- and off-screen drinking pal Martin is aces, too, playing to his breezy, real-life persona, but the fellas leave the heavy work to Best Actress nominee MacLaine, whose heartrending turn as the self-sacrificing Ginny really burrows under your skin. If “Running” has a moral, it’s this: Messy lives can be as noble as carefully ordered ones.


Rio Bravo (1959)

What It’s About:
Sheriff John T. Chance (John Wayne) is in a tight spot. He’s captured dangerous outlaw Joe Burdette (Claude Akins), and must hold him in jail until the territorial judge arrives. Problem is, Burdette has lots of confederates who’ll clearly attempt to break him out before the judge arrives. And all Chance has in his corner is Dude, his alcoholic deputy (Dean Martin) and Stumpy (Walter Brennan), a crippled old geezer. Can Chance hold out?

Why I Love It:
Hawks’s colorful, exciting western boasts an archetypal, larger-than-life turn from the Duke, and perhaps Martin’s finest acting job ever as Dude. Film neatly blends pathos, suspense, comedy, even songs to create top-notch entertainment. Look also for Ricky Nelson as Colorado (he and Dino get to croon together), and the leggy, alluring Angie Dickinson as Feathers, a young woman with her eye on Chance. Bravo indeed.


  1. "To some it all up...the man was a pro." Couldn't have said it any better myself & so so true!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, I truly appreciated this great review's great respect for our great man...Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Mr. Mike how cool of you to drop by and leave a bit of Dino-patter...indeed our Dino in "Rio" is simply perfecto...keeps lovin' our Dino!
