Monday, February 06, 2012

Dean Martin portrait by Mr. Geert van Leeuwen

Hey pallies, likes on this sixth day of Dino-amore-month, likes we share with you 'nother way pallies havin' of showin' forth their amore of our Dino.

Today we meet up with Mr. Geert van Leeuwen, who by his tagg one coulda guess hails from The Netherlands, Geldrop to be precise. Mr. van Leeuwen, a man with great artistic abilities currently is spendin' his time in Milano, Italy.

Through the magic of Flickr, pallies likes us gets to view Geert's creativity with paintin' as well as photography. And, we here at ilovedinomartin are simply delighted to share Mr. van Leeuwen's portrait of our most beloved Dino....ever present smoke and liquid libation in hand! As you will read below van Leeuwen created his Dino-art with water colors and black ink. Likes gotta 'fess up this Dino-image is not the spittin' image of our Dino...but so so cool to have 'nother of today's youthful mods diggin' our Dino and usin' their time and talent to honor our honorable man.

Likes it is always always so so refreshin' to find 'nother pallie who is usin' their talents to homage our most talented Dino! And, how cool to discover 'nother of today's international youth who is devoted to our amazin' Dino. Again provin' without a doubt that Dino-amore knows no age or geographic boundaries.

Hats off to talented artiste Mr. Geert van Leeuwen for spreadin' much Dino-love thourgh his artistic pursuits...and for makin' 'em available for our Dino-enjoyment!
To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. Dino-delightedly, DMP

Dean Martin portrait

Dean Martin portrait

Made with watercolor and black ink

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