Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thanks, Dean Martin!

Hey pallies, likes the tag of today's Dino-gram immediate caught my eye...."Thanks, Dean Martin!" Indeed, every single Dino-day I am thankful to our Dino for so so many different reasons. So, likes I just had to goes over to Jack Pendarvis' self tagged blog, "The Place Where Jack Pendarvis has a 'Blog'" to sees his personal reason for givin' thanks to our most beloved Dino.

Likes as you will read below a pallie of Jack's, Drew, bought himself "a vintage bottle of Dean Martin's favorite cologne on the 'internet.' That fav cologue woulda have to be "Woodhue." Seems that since Drew has worn the Dino-scent, his wife Jill is goin' makes Drew a daddy-o by havin' a baby!

How cool of Mr. Jack to so so fully understand the power of this case the Dino-cologue, to simply simply work it's Dino-magic! Hats off to Jack Pendarvis for sharin' this Dino-testimony and helpin' others to become believers in the power of Dino! To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-powered, DMP

Thanks, Dean Martin!

Drew is married to Jill. Several months ago, Drew purchased a vintage bottle of Dean Martin's favorite cologne on the "internet." Now Jill is going to have a baby. YOU DO THE MATH. I keep trying to smell Drew whenever I see him but he claims that the cologne "evaporates quickly because it has orange in it." I think that's what he says. Is that a real scientific fact? Maybe he just doesn't want me sniffing him.


  1. Wow Pallie! That Woodhue Cologne (the real thing...not the knock off) is going for like two hundred bucks and up on Ebay!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Matty, just 'nother great example of the power of our Dino! Dino-philes such as youse and me certainly wanna emulate our Dino in each and every Dino-way only the real Dino-stuff is good 'nough for us...likes guess we are each gonna have to save up our pennies to gets us come Woodhue! btw pallie, just checkin' to see if you got the email I sent you... Keeps lovin' our Dino!
