Saturday, January 14, 2012

I once found myself feeling sorry for Dean Martin.

Hey pallies, likes hot on the heels of yesterday's Dino-post comes 'nother first-hand Dino-sitin'. From the pen of Mr. Bill Birnbaum, from his self-tagged blog pad, "Adventures With Bill Birnbaum," comes his post "Retirement Sayings."

Birnbaum quotes our ever wise Dino sayin', "If you drink, don’t drive. Don’t even putt," and immediately sez, "Yeah, I know. This saying isn’t exactly about retirement." But, likes he add that he has a Dino-tale to relate.

Likes seems that Bill once found himself at the ol' Sands Hotel casino and caught a gander of our most beloved Dino playin' blackjack with his second wife, Jeanne. And, Birnbaum relates why he found himself "feeling sorry for Dean Martin."

Youse can read his reason why below...and likes yesterday, there is always two sides to every Dino-story. Who can blame the hoard of passionate Dino-philes eager to be ever close to our great man...and likes who coulda not understand our amazin' man wantin' to spend some alone time with his cards...and his wife.

Will again look forward to you sharin' of your Dino-reflections on this Dino-situation. Thanks to Mr. Bill Birnbaum for sharin' 'nother true-to-life Dino-experience...just wishes that I coulda seen our Dino up close and personal. To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.
Dino-devotedly, DMP

If you drink, don’t drive. Don’t even putt. ~Dean Martin

Yeah, I know. This saying isn’t exactly about retirement. But I wanted to tell you something about Dean Martin, so I “snuck it in.” Old Dino sure played up his role as a big drinker. I’ve heard though that it was mainly an act. That he really didn’t drink all that much. How knows? Interestingly, I once found myself feeling sorry for Dean Martin. In the casino of the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas, he and his wife were playing blackjack. Surrounding them were some 300 admirers. I remember thinking, “The poor guy can’t go anywhere and be alone.”


  1. Hey pals, I guess you can equate this one with that line from the Spiderman movie..."with great power comes great responsibility." Same thing goes with great celebrity. Unfortunately, you lose your privacy 100%. This must have worn Dean down over time. Especially someone who was so very private in certain ways. It's not ALL fun & games as it may seem.

    Danny G.

  2. Yeah, the price of fame.

    It is no wonder that celebrities sometimes disrespect their fans. Fans, all too often, don't know where personal boundaries are.

  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny G. you makes a great point 'bout how our Dino was a very very private person...thanks for the very very true...'specially in the case of our most beloved Dino. Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, dem are some more marvelous insights....indeed folks don't have a clue 'bout what boundaries mean... Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  5. No need to feel sorry for Dino. Casinos are in business to do what? MAKE MONEY! Whenever Dino, Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. were at the Sands, either solo or as The Rat Pack, it was part of the deal that they go out on the floor and mingle with the "common folk". This in turn attracted the star struck crowds who in turn SPENT MONEY! This sure kept that big smile on Jack Entratter's face! Search out Ed Walter's "Sands Pit Boss" blog on the web for more in depth details about the machinations of The Rat Pack and The Sands. Good Stuff.

  6. Hey pallie, likes thanks so much Mr. Matty for sharin' your Dino-thoughts...have posted some of Ed Walter's Dino-reflections that come from the blue-eyes blog. Indeed Matty, our Dino woulda never ever want any of us pallies to feel sorry for him...shared this post as a balance to the Hamburger Hamlet Dino-prose... Keeps lovin' our Dino...and likes keeps sharin' your Dino-reflections!

  7. Nobody ever looked as cool as Dino, even if he had a beard and glasses. everyone would know its good old Dino

  8. Hey pallie, likes Levi, loves your Dino-devoted thoughts..."Nobody ever looked as cool as Dino"...dem words are purely and Truly the Dino-truth! Deanager Levi, dude, you are one awesome likes, of course, keeps lovin' our Dino!
