Thursday, January 26, 2012

Giving the Gift of Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes what better way of expressin' your appreciato for 'nother pallie then to gift 'em with a stunnin' piece of Dino-treasure. And, likes dudes that is exactly what today's Dino-devotion is likes all 'bout. From the pen of Mr. Anthony Amore, at his self-tagged blog pad, "ANTHONY AMORE," comes the 'citin' news that one of Mr. Amore's most devoted pallies has presented unto him a stellar Dino-gift.

Mr. Anthony Amore, by profession is "an expert in security matters, especially those related to homeland security and cultural property protection." Usually Amore posts on security issues, but as you will read below, Anthony was simply compelled to let his readership know of the wonderful Dino-surprise that awaited him when he recently
checked his post office box.

When he discovered between bills was a notice that he had a parcel waitin' for him at the PO desk. When Amore opened the package, low and behold it contained a "stunning Dean Martin box set" my estimation perhaps the coveted "Dean Martin cool then, cool now" boxed set.

Obviously Mr. Amore is a amorer of our Dino...and so must be his Dino-gift-givin' pallie! Simply warms my Dino-heart to read Amore's retellin' of his experience. Certainly this oughta gets more of us pallies to a thinkin' 'bout who we might share some Dino-love with as well.

Hats offs to Mr. Anthony Amore for lettin' us all in on his new Dino-treasure. As usual, to read this in it's original format, likes clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. How amazin' to keeps readin' more and more Dino-devotion in so many different Dino-ways all over the 'net. Dino-awed, DMP

Giving the Gift of Dean Martin

This posting has nothing to do with security. But I had to write it.

The other day, I went to my PO Box for the first time in far too long. Stuffed between a lot of bills was a notice that I had a package. At the customer service counter, the clerk handed me an amazon package. I wasn’t expecting anything.

When I got back to my office, I tore open the box and inside was an stunning Dean Martin box set. Only one person on earth could have sent it to me: the inestimable Danno Carpenter.

Danno, you are the greatest baby. I’m having a scotch in honor of Dino and you!


  1. Wow !
    There is no better gift than something of Deans :)
    I can imagine how surprised and excited Anthony Amore was to receive this.
    This is something I intend to get myself but unfortunately due to financial difficulties I`ve had to put this on hold as we`re having a hot summer and Air Conditioning installation is costly.
    But as soon as I can I intend to buy myself Cool Then, Cool Now.
    This is a must have for any Dino fan.
    Congratulations Anthony :)

  2. Hey pallie, likes indeed Miss Ky, what coulda be better then gettin' some cool cool Dino-treasure with a pallie...I'm sure that one day soon you will get your hands on a copy of this latest and great Dino-release...keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. I like getting Dino gifts, Ky gave me a little pic of Dino in a frame and when i push the button it plays everybody loves somebody.
    So cool

  4. Hey pallie, likes Levi so so cool to hear from our Deanager! Yeah, gettin' gifted with our Dino is likes the bestest of the best! Likes don't think I have ever seen that particular Dino-treasure that Miss Ky gifted you with. Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  5. Hi Dino Dude
    Its a really cool Dino treasure and it dont need batteries
    Ky has one too
    Ky and her dad gave me some cool Dino gifts, the picture is my fav tho

  6. Hey pallie, likes it is just too cool how you have been guided and directed in the way of Dino by Miss Ky and her daddy-o...and they have supplied you with mucho are likes one of the greatest Deanagers in the entire world! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
