Tuesday, January 24, 2012

★Dean Martin and friends

Hey pallies, likes just discovered some new Dino-action on this here blogger. A dude tagged Brian has sired the new blog pad, "★Dean Martin and friends," where you can see a constant Dino-stream of fabulous pixs of our great man and his pallies, and currently some vid clips of our Dino havin' fun with other fab celebs.

Below are a couple of examples of the Dino-treasure available at this new Dino-place....a groovy pix of our most beloved Dino taken from a Dino-roast, and what appears to be the whole roast vid for Miss Lucille Ball (which it looks like you needs to join a 'net pad tagged Vettle TV to be able to view well).

In doin' a bit of researchin' on Bri, discovered that he has been busy with 'nother blog of a couple of years, "★Film Noir Classic Channel," and is now spreadin' his win's by providin' some Dino-devotion for all us Dino-philes. A few details 'bout Bri are that he is a iron worker in the construction biz and is located in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Hats off to our pallie Bri for addin' to the Dino-passion springin' up all over the web. Likes true Dino-holics likes us can never ever gets ourselves 'nough Dino, so ilovedinomartin is pleased as punch to introduce this new Dino-channel to all the Dino-devoted pallies here. To checks this out, just clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Keeps lovin' our Dino and growin' in deep, pure, and true Dino-devotion!
Dino-gized, DMP

★Dean Martin and friends

Dean Martin 7th.June 1917 - 25th.December 1995. Actor singer who rose to fame and went into films as a straight actor with great success. His solo singing career spanned many years and produced many classic songs, one of which is inscribed on his marker - "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime". Became great friends with Frank Sinatra and became a member of the famous Rat Pack A true legend who's films and records will always be remembered.


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