Thursday, December 15, 2011

Requesting Your Favorite Dean Martin Christmas Songs over the Radio

Hey pallies, likes it's the 15th day of Dino-winter-month and we are likes just ten days away from our Dino-winter-day rememberance. On this day we go to 'nother new-to-ilovedinomartin blog tagged "" Likes I simply don't have a clue what all those letters stand for, but this is 'nother of those blogs that seems to share information from soup to nuts....literally!

Well, likes amind the huge diversity of posts found here is of course one on our most beloved Dino and his croonin' of Dino-seasonal tunes! Under the tag, "Requesting Your Favorite Dean Martin Christmas Songs over the Radio," comes some wonderful thoughts 'bout our wonderful Dino! The unknown scriber of this Dino-prose strikes the right Dino-chord when they say, "Dean Martin Christmas Songs still remain quite popular even until the present time." Indeed, Dino-winter-tunes are more popular then ever!

Likes this is the third sorta "random" Dino-winter-song post that ilovedinomartin has shared this year....just goes to show that likes you just never ever know where Dino-devotion will turns up next! ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to the pallies at
"" for honorin' the seasonal music of our Dino in this way. To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.
Dino-delightedly, DMP

Requesting Your Favorite Dean Martin Christmas Songs over the Radio

2011 12.11

Christmas songs can be considered as an important part of every yuletide celebration. Without these songs filling the streets as well as homes, Christmas will never be the same. With this fact, Christmas songs are continuously being created with new renditions and versions. Nonetheless, this doesn’t mean that the classic yuletide music such as Dean Martin Christmas songs will go out of trend. On the contrary, Dean Martin Christmas Songs still remain quite popular even until the present time. This is evident with the fact that most people would still request the said Christmas songs over the radio.

Indeed, it can be quite nostalgic to hear classic yuletide music like Dean Martin Christmas Songs being played over the radio. By listening to these songs, you are reminded how joyful and fun it is to celebrate the yuletide season with friends and loved ones. Nonetheless, people could also try purchasing their own Christmas songs album in order to make the whole yuletide season experience complete.


  1. Mine would be Marshmallow World or Rudolph the red nosed reindeer

  2. Hey pallie, likes Deanager Levi it is likes so hard to pick a fav Dino-winter-tune 'cause likes every one is outta this world...but if I had to pick just one it woulda be 'bout the Marshmallows...and of course I simply grooves on how our Dino does Rudy with a German accent! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
