Friday, December 23, 2011

The Night Before Christmas....Dino-style!

Hey pallies, likes on this 23rd day of honorin' our Dino in Dino-winter-month, we return to a stunnin' post first shared last year at this Dino-seasonal time here at ilovedinomartin. "The Night Before Christmas....Dino-style" was scribed exclusively for our faithful Dino-holics at this humble little Dino-blog by none other then our own Danny G. of "Danny G.'s Sunday Serenade With Dino" fame.

As noted last year Dino-phile Danny G. is not only a faithful Dino-example to his wee boy and girl pallies Nicky and Stel, but as discovered last December, this Dino-holic is truly truly an up-and-comin' proser of hip, cool, and ever randy Dino-parodies as well!

Likes we enjoyed Danny G's retellin' of our most beloved Dino and his pack of pallies waitin' their visit from the jolly ol' man in red himself, that we simply had to return it for your Dino-readin' pleasure.

Thanks Danny G. for grantin' ilovedinomartin permission to repost your awesome Dino-funnin' and for the many and varied ways you continue to lift up the name of our Dino here at ilovedinomartin. And, pallies why not leave our Danny G. some Dino-patter to let him know how much you appreciate all his Dino-efforts! Dino-delightedly, DMP

Twas the night before Christmas
at the Dean Martin pad
chicks and pallies were groovin'
the music was rad.

Martinis were pourin'
shaken not stirred
Dino's "White Christmas'
was all that was heard.

The stockings were stuffed
with vodka and gin
Ol' blue eyes and Sammy
just stumbled in.

The boys in their tuxes
broads wrapped in their minks
Sir Dino was mixin'
some holiday drinks.

Then up on the roof
they heard a hell of a smash
Sammy yelled out
"Hey man, Santa just crashed!"

Frank invited him in
for a drink and a smoke
Santa said "Sure!
I'll take a rum and a coke!"

A bundle of booze
he had on his back
the tag on the bag
said "For the Rat Pack"

Dean gave Jeannie her gift
"To the one I love most"
"It's just what I wanted,
The Dean Martin Roasts!"

Dino caught Santa's eye
and gave him a wink
straightened his bow tie
and finished his drink.

The party still swingin'
Dino snuck up to bed
while visions of showgirls
danced in his head.

As St. Nick jumped in his sleigh
and rose to the heavens
They all gathered round'
to watch "Ocean's Eleven".

But they heard him exclaim
as he flew through the sky
"Merry Christmas Dino Crocetti,
your my kinda guy!!!"