Saturday, December 31, 2011

Danny G.'s Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Party Dolls & Wine"

Editor's Note: Hey pallies, likes 'cause I may not be in shape to do any postin' on the morrow, am gonna shares our pallie Danny G.'s special New Year's Edition of his Dino-serenade a wee bit early to makes sure youse gets it. Hats off to our swingin' pallie Danny G. for faithfully sharin' his huge Dino-passion through his regular Dino-serenade Dino-reflections. Dino-yearnin', DMP

Hey pals...Happy New Year!!! What a great time it truly is my friends! 2011 was such a Dino-blast! Dean was all over the place! We got new dvd's, new cd's, the "Cool Then, Cool Now" book & all kinds of Dino-patter! I simply cannot wait to see what 2012 brings our way!

I're thinkin'..."man, this guy is usin' a lot of exclamation points." I can't help it pals, I'm just so so excited for great things to come! There I go again!

I wanted to pick the perfect song to ring in the new year and could not thinks of a better tune that expresses our Dino's passion for livin' & lovin' than "Party Dolls & Wine". This ditty really seems to capture that "Dino essence". Let's start the new year off right pallies and turn this one way up! It's time to forgive & & let, drink and be merry! Let's all try to be a little more like Dean this comin' year! Enjoy pals! Salute!


Neon lights barroom bands hotel rooms one night stands
When it's party time you'll find me at the head of the line
Midnight cowboy singing his song to every girl who comes along
My life's made up of party dolls and wine

Party dolls and wine yeah drink and let the good times roll
Party dolls and wine making mem'ries for the days when I grow old

They say that someday I'll meet my match but until that time down the hatch
With that bubbling sparkling tantalizing fruit of the vine
I know someday I'll be put in my place but I'll die happy with a smile on my face
Remembering all those party dolls and wine

Party dolls and wine...
Midnight cowboy singing his song...
Party dolls and wine...
Party dolls and wine...


  1. Is this song from our Dino's last album?

    Happy New Year to you, Danny.

  2. Synchronicity! 1952 was a very good year. It was the year I was born. **wink**

    Happy New Year to you, DMP.

    After I finish reading Stephen King's new novel, 11/22/63, I'll be sending you a post to put up here. King has a few references to our Dino in this novel, which is in the time travel, historical genre.

  3. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW a Happy New Year of diggin' Dino together to you as well...will so be lookin' forward to your cool that the King of Scribin' has made reference to our King of Cool! Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  4. Happy New Year Miss AOW! It's actually from the 1972 "Dino" album. Great tune!

    Danny G.
