Saturday, October 08, 2011

I didn't really want to tell you that I had Dean Martin on my iPod

Hey pallies, likes the biggest news of late all over the web is the death of Apple genius Mr. Steve Jobs and ilovedinomartin wishes to adds our condolences to his family, friends, and associates. Likes I had remembered the name of our Dino tagged with Mr. Jobs in 2008 when he introduced a new line of ipods, and likes I went searchin' for a reference to that showin' Jobs devotion to our most beloved Dino.

Well, from the pages of the on-line presence of the New York Sun, found the followin' prose scribed by Mr. Will Friedwald on September 12, 2008 in a article entitled, "You Don't Know Jack Jones." While most of the presentation does focus on Mr. Jones, the first paragraph shown below puts the accent on "Steve Jobs's admission that he listens to Dean Martin."

It's cool to know that someone as amazin' as Apple founder Jobs was a huge fan of our
amazin' Dino! Again, ilovedinomartin expresses our sympathy to the family, friends, and associates of Mr. Jobs and they mourn his passing. And, thanks to Mr. Will Friedwald and the pallies at the New York Sun for writin' 'bout Jobs enjoyment of our Dino. Dino-always, DMP

You Don't Know Jack Jones

The New York Sun

The biggest disclosure announced at Apple's press conference on Tuesday had nothing to do with software (the new edition of iTunes) or hardware (the new line of iPods). Rather, it was Steve Jobs's admission that he listens to Dean Martin, even if he seemed somewhat self-conscious about it. "I didn't really want to tell you that I had Dean Martin on my iPod," he told the crowd in San Francisco. Embarrassed or not, it was pleasing to hear that the company that pioneered the modern system of digital music distribution — undoubtedly the wave of the future for the music business — at least acknowledges that the youth-oriented pop of the last few generations isn't the only kind on Apple's mind.


  1. Now, why am I not surprised?

    Often, when I'm out riding around in my convertible, I have our Dino's velvet voice blasting from the speakers. Time and time again, when I'm at a stoplight, I pull along someone who smiles at me when hearing our Dino's tunes. Sort of a "secret society" all over the place, IMO.

  2. And....Those smiling with me are of all ages. Just have to say this!

  3. I expected no less from him. I do also listen to Dean Martin on my mp4. My condolences to Steve Jobs' family. By the way, great pixs ;-)

    Cheers, my friend!

  4. Hey pallie, well Miss AOW, with the Dino-revolution in full swing...ain't gonna be a "secret society" much longer...and likes I totally totally loved that thought, "And....Those smiling with me are of all ages." Dino-devotion knows no boundaries whatsoever! Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  5. Hey pallie, likes Kinezoe dude, I'm totally totally with you man...great to hear from our Dino-addicted pallie..and likes keeps lovin' our Dino!
