Thursday, October 27, 2011


Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-post shows that our Dino is as hip as ever. From the groovy pad, "Cheezburger" and a nouveau hipster dude tagged Sharktattoo, comes this likes totally totally rad comic parody of "That's Amore."

Hipster dude sez, "Yo dawg, I heard that you like Dean Martin so I put some Dean Martin in here for you!" Sharkie responds, "When the moon hits you a big pizza pie-" And, then likes our Dino sez, "That's a moray." Hipster dude then ponders this Dino-wisdom....

Cool to find one of today's youth groovin' on our Dino in this cool cool way! To view this in a larger format, likes just clicks twice on the pix below...or simply likes click on the tag of this Dino-gram to goes directly to Sharktattoo's Cheezburger pad.

Hats off to Sharktattoo for givin' his readers and all us Dino-holics a reason to put a huge Dino-buddha-grin on our faces! Keeps lovin' our Dino! Dino-buddha-grinnin', DMP



  1. That is so hip.
    The words of Thats Amore are funny, when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, its a funny love song to sing to a girl but its one of Dinos best

  2. Hey pallie, likes Deanager Levi, so cool to have you leave some Dino-patter...and indeed, I too, thinks "this is so hip." Likes only our Dino coulda sings 'bout the moon and pizza pie and makes it so so groovy! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
