Monday, October 24, 2011

Dean Martin stopped everything and asked for a picture with my grandma!

Hey pallies, likes nothin' and I means nothin' warms my Dino-heart more then readin' a true-life Dino-encounter that shows our most beloved Dino's tender-hearted personality...and likes I knows that today's Dino-postin' will warm your Dino-heart as much as it is warmin' mine.

From the self-tagged blog, "Garrison's Blog," Mr. Mick Garrison as part of his "Easter Sunday" 2009 post tells 'bout, while at a fam holiday gatherin', goin' into his granny's room and sittin on her bed and lookin' through an old photo al-b-um that contained pictures of his grandmother with a variety of famous celebs. And, he relates how his grandmother just happened to get her pix snapped with our great man while our Dino was participatin' in a golf tournment.

Likes I'll leave it to all you pallies to read all the heart-warmin' Dino-details of how our Dino stopped the action to get his picture taken with Mick's grannie....simply makes us Dino-holics have even more reason to be devoted to our Dino!

Thanks to Mr. Mick Garrison for sharin' his granny's Dino-tale with his readers and lettin' pallies likes us grow deeper, truer, and purer in our Dino-adulation. To read this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-delightedly, DMP

We went in to grandmas room, laid on her bed, and looked through an old photo album. It was amazing to see her and my mom with Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Jim Brown, Tommy Johns, and a bunch more celebrities. There was a picture of Dean Martin with five or six security guards around him. She said no one could get near him. She saw Dean walking down the fairway at some golf tournament and Dean saw Grandma and said "hold it... Come here (to grandma) We need to take a picture". Grandma ran up to him and gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. She was so excited. I think that is so cool! Dean Martin stopped everything and asked for a picture with my grandma!


  1. This was what I was talking about. It's posted twice on mine but I could not click on one on my newsfeed. GOOD STUFF

  2. Hey pallie, aha...I had put it up briefly to see how it looked on the blog...and removed it 'til I was goin' to put it up for that's the Dino-tale...indeed I so loves these Dino-human-interest stories! Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. Our Dino had a tender heart, but didn't often advertise that fact.

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, that is one huge reason why we loves our Dino so so very very much....keeps lovin' our Dino!
