Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dean Martin at the Highball

Hey pallies, likes I was so so smitten by the Dino-pix below that Miss Debbie Barth shared in yesterday's Dino-post, that I simply had to do a bit of Dino-researchin' hopin to find it's source...and I was able to trace it back to a Mr. Michael Cote's Flickr account (clicks on tag on this Dino-gram to goes there).

While on the site I was able to see and transfer here a larger version of the pix, and thus able to read the Dino-inscription in all it's Dino-glory! As you can see it sez, "High Ball - Thanks for letting me test out the cocktail menu...all of it! I'll be back tomorrow! Dino"

In doin' more Dino-researchin' on the web, likes discovered that "The Highball" is a food and drink pad in Austin, Texas, home of Mr. Cote. So puttin' two and two together, guessin' that Mr. Cote snapped this shot while hangin' out at "The Highball." Likes woulda personally loves to make pilgrimage there to see this Dino-image in person! Now, likes the question is...did our Dino visit the high ball and scribe these words?

ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to Mr. Michael Cote for snappin' this shot and sharin' it with the larger Dino-world! Keeps lovin' our Dino pallies! Dino-discoverin', DMP

Dean Martin at the Highball

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