Saturday, September 17, 2011

"That's for teenagers; my music's for Deanagers."

Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-gram is so so special for likes a couple of reasons. First, this Dino-report from the "This Week In Music" page of Birningham, Alabama's on-line version of the "Black And White" newspaper has clarified the difference between the 1964 August and September dates of our most beloved Dino's hittin' the top of the charts with "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime."

From the pen of Mr. David Pelfrey, quoted from Mr. Richard Wagner, it turns out that it was in August of that amazin' Dino-year that our Dino's numero uno tune busted the Beatles off Billboard's Single's Chart. Then on this week in September of 1964, that same tune went number one on the Top Pops Standard Chart of Billboard.

Second, we learn from this "Black and White" city news report that amazin' Dino-quotation that tags today's speakin' of the dif between Rock 'n Roll and his lush sounds, our Dino quipped...."That's for teenagers; my music's for Deanagers." Likes never heard that Dino-ism before, but likes gotta say pallies, loves it, loves it, loves it! Never ever knew that it was our Dino who first coined the term "Deanager!" Likes I always have been, always will be simply a Deanager...and likes mighty proud, mighty proud to share that tag with billions of Dino-holics 'round the Dino-universe!

Hats off to our pallies at the "Black and White" city news and Mr. David Pelfrey for sharin' this important event in all of Dino-history will all us pallies. To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Deanaged, DMP

This Week in Music

September 15, 2011

By David Pelfrey

History is written one note at a time. Richard Wagner

Dean Martin tops the Pop Standards chart with "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime," but it's a minor achievement compared to what the crooner had done a few weeks earlier with that entry: knocking the Beatles' "A Hard Day's Night" off the Billboard Singles Chart number one spot. Martin had promised his teenage son (whose fondness for rock 'n' roll was a bone of contention in the Martin household) that he would do precisely that. The song will soon replace 'That's Amore" as a signature track for the popular singer, whose television variety show the next year will begin establishing him as a pop culture icon. "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime" will be the show's theme song. As for the ever-growing popularity of rock 'n' roll, Dino boasts, "That's for teenagers; my music's for Deanagers."


  1. I was a "Deanager," and not the least interested in the rock scene. I guess that I didn't fit in with my peers. But I didn't care.

    In high school, I did a short research paper with presentation to the class. The topic, of course, was our Dino. Interestingly, all the guys in the class loved my presentation, but the girls were too busy swooning over the Beatles to know who Dean Martin was. Go figure.

    One slant of my paper: why our Dino used the drunky image.

    I wonder if that paper I wrote is somewhere in the papers my parents saved when they moved?

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW I was just thinkin' that it woulda be likes so so cool to publish your Dino-research-paper here at likes if it turns up, let's us know...and btw, have you ever heard this Dino-quip before? Keeps lovin' our Dino!
