Saturday, September 10, 2011

Me and Benny are at Dino's today

Hey pallies, today's Dino-gram is our wonderful Miss Gayle Carline's sharin'of her visit with us at ilovedinomartin that was posted here on Thursday of this very Dino-week. From her writin' blog pad,
"On the edge of the chair of literature," Miss Gayle so very kindly and graciously directs her readers to come on over to ilovedinomartin to read her character Benny Needle's Dino-essay, "My Hero."

After readin' Benny's Dino-reflections I feel like I know him and loved him more then ever before, and in the words of Miss Gayle Carline, "After I finished his essay, not only did I know Benny even better, I felt even more sympathy for my annoying little man." Truly Benny is a Dino-holic's Dino-holic and I so so resonate with his Dino-passion!

Likes wants to say a huge ilovedinomartin Dino-appreciatio for Miss Gayle's pointin' her readers in our Dino-direction and helpin' them explore the wonders of our most beloved Dino as found here at ilovedinomartin. Pallies, likes please takes the time to click on the tag of this Dino-message to goes on over to Miss Carline's outstandin' blog and learn more 'bout her and her love of writin' And, likes don't tarry in checkin' out Benny's latest Dino-adventures helpin' Miss Peri solve the murders and mayhem in Miss Gayle Carline's "Hit or Missus." Dino-reportin', DMP

Me and Benny are at Dino's today

I know you're all out there, consumed with trying to help me with a title for my next humor book, but if you want to take a break, stroll over to Dino Martin Peters' blog and read about Benny Needles' eternal love for Dean Martin.

I've been writing journals for my characters for quite awhile. As a matter of fact, I've published a couple of journal entries that were "written" by my characters. It's a great exercise (thank you, Michele Scott) for developing each character's voice.

For Mr. Peters' blog, I wanted to capture Benny's voice to try to explain his deep devotion to Dean Martin. It turned out to be difficult. I tried many times in many ways to write an entry in Benny's diary, but I failed miserably each time. Finally it dawned on me: Benny doesn't keep a diary.

Benny is not a writer. He feels no need to analyze his day, or his life. He probably doesn't even remember his dreams. So, what to do?

I decided the only writing Benny would do is school-mandated. When Marcus was in third grade, I remember his teacher talking about the challenge she was facing with one of the boys in his class.

"He's so into Pokemon, every paper he writes is about Pokemon," she said. "I have to be really creative to get him to write about something else."

That's when I knew: every paper Benny wrote had to about his hero, Dean Martin. After I finished his essay, not only did I know Benny even better, I felt even more sympathy for my annoying little man.

Go on over to the I Love Dino Martin blog and read what he had to say.

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