Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dining With Dino

Hey pallies, likes today we return to a pad that we first visited on July 15 of this Dino-year to spend some more time with Miss Meme, an an octogenarian who has had a crush on Dean Martin her whole life. From Meme's outstandin' blog, "Thoughts From Meme's Corner...In my 80's blogging to 100," we get the treat of experiencin' Miss Meme's trip with her husband and 'nother couple to our Dino's playground 'Vegas Baby 'Vegas to take in a performance by our great man at the Rivera Hotel.

How refreshin' to read this 82 year old lady's remembrances of her Dino-pilgrimage...includin' the sharin' of pixs of several souvenirs of the journey...the Rivera Dino-programme, the dinner menu, shoe shine cloth , and even a ash tray!

How likes totally totally stellar that Miss Meme got the thrill of her life by experiencin' our most beloved Dino live on the Rivera stage...likes musta been the thrill of her lifetime! Oh, so wish that I myself had made pilgrimage to 'Vegas to have been in the livin' presence of our great man!

ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to Miss Meme for sharin' these amazin' Dino-reflections with her readers, sure to encourage more and more pallies to grow deeper in their Dino-devotion! To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-desirin', DMP

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Dining With Dino

A good place to visit and cool off is Coloradolady's Vintage Thingies Thursday. Just her name makes you think of a cooler place and many cool friends. Join her at

As I have mentioned before, I have always been a big fan of Dean Martin. He was performing at the Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas in the early 70s. My husband and I and another couple ventured out into an unknown world for us. Our main purpose was to attend his show.

The menu we had for the dinner performance.

Back then was very different than now. We booked our reservations at this hotel in order to hopefully see him. That was the policy back then, stay at the hotel of the performance if you wanted to get in. We elected to see the dinner show. Even though you had a ticket, you still had to stand in line for the seating. We found out the reason standing line. When you got to the door, the more you tipped the maitre d, the better table you got. We pooled our resources and got a good table, not front row, but better than in the kitchen. They also had a dress code back then. We dressed up in our best and enjoyed every minute of it. No cameras were allowed.

I even brought home the shoe shine cloth in the room

as well as the ash tray.

Dean on movie location. Wish my vintage brain could recall the movie.

These are just a few of his many albums I have.

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