Sunday, August 21, 2011

On This Day In Dino-history: August 21, 1944

Hey pallies, likes dudes our pallies at the Dean Martin Timeline (clicks on tag of this Dino-gram to goes there) have 'gain 'lerted us that today is 'nother Dino-historical date in the life and legacy of our most beloved Dino. Likes it was on this date 67 years ago today that our great man gots himself his first radio gig where he crooned dem tunes for a quarter of an hour on a New York station.

Just wonderin' if back in those early days they recorded such programmes...likes woulda it be likes the coolest if we coulda gets cd copies of those Dino-episodes of
"Songs By Dean Martin"? Never was, never will be anyone as cool as the King of Cool...oh, to return to the days when Dino walked the earth! Dino-dreamin', DMP

btw pallies, this Dino-pix seems to be early Dino...any of you dudes have any clues about whena and wherea it mighta be snapped?

August 21, 1944 Dean gets his own radio program called "Songs by Dean Martin," a 15-minute show from New York where Dean would croon four or five songs


  1. There is one of these 15 minute shows on the Bear Family Sets.
    I wish we could get more

  2. Hey pallie, likes wow Miss Ky...just makes me yearn for the Dino-sets all the Dino-more....keeps lovin' our Dino!
