Saturday, August 13, 2011

On This Day In Dino-history: August 13, 1953

Hey pallies, likes today is 'nother outstandin' day in Dino-history. From the pallies at the Dean Martin Timeline (likes clicks on tag of this Dino-gram to goes there) we learn that it was on August 13, 1953 that our most beloved Dino recorded "That's Amore," for the movie "The Caddy."

Commissioned by Jerry Lewis as a gift for our Dino, the pizza pie song was written by composer Harry Warren and lyricist Jack Brooks. It became a huge hit for our great man...becomin' one of our Dino's most loved signature tunes.

Below is the vid clip of our Dino singin' "That's Amore" in the Caddy. Also included here is a pix of the orginal sheet music and likes a couple of posters from the Martin and Lewis comedy caper. Just simply loves, loves, loves learnin' all these important Dino-details. Keeps lovin' our most amorin' Dino! Dino-sharin', DMP

August 13, 1953 Dean records "That's Amore," for the movie "The Caddy"


  1. Its a very old song but it sounds so cool to listen to after all those years

  2. Hey pallie, likes Deanager Levi..thanks for droppin' some Dino-patter...and likes indeed Dino-cool is likes timeless for Dino-sure...keeps lovin' our cool cool Dino!
