Monday, August 15, 2011

"The Oldest Established Permanent Floating Crap Game In New York."

Hey pallies, today's Dino-gem comes from one of the most Dino-devoted pallies I have ever had the pleasure of bein' in Dino-communicato with...our Miss AOW. Likes a couple of days 'go she 'lerted me to the fact that she had posted a musical Dino-vid at her outstandin' blog, "Always On Watch."

Today's Dino-postin' is said Dino-clip that includes our most beloved Dino 'long with his pallies der Bing and the frankie singin' that cool 'n classic tune from "Guys And Dolls,"...."The Oldest Established Permanent Floating Crap Game In New York." Seein' these three great crooners together is quite the treat...but likes of course as you watch the vid you will see as usual our Dino literally steal the number from der Bing and frankie....

Mentioned in the introduction to the clip is the fact that Dino, Bing, and Frank were starrin'on the big screen in "Robin And The Seven Hoods," so likes this TV special musta been 'round 1964.

ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to our Dino-passionate pallie Miss AOW for sharin' this clip with her readers and puttin' us on to her Dino-post so likes that we coulda share it here as well. It's pallies like Miss AOW who are helpin' the Dino-revolution to just get more and more momentum likes all over the 'net....bringin' throngs of pallies into deep, pure, and true Dino-devotion! Dino-focused, DMP

btw pallies, likes if you clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram you'll gets to view this exactly where our Miss AOW placed it at her "Always On Watch" pad.


  1. DMP,
    one of the most Dino-devoted pallies I have ever had the pleasure of bein' in Dino-communicato with...our Miss AOW

    I've never received a nice compliment!

    As you know, my blog is mostly political. But I do occasionally post something to show my devotion to our Dino. And so many of my political comnpadres just love our Dino too!

    as you watch the vid you will see as usual our Dino literally steal the number from der Bing and frankie....

    Ain't that a kick in the head? Bing and Frank were mega-stars in their own right. But their light dimmed when our Dino took the stage.

    The harmonies in this vid are exquisite! Any musician or music lover can hear how wonderful those harmonies are. Our Dino almost always injected an element of comedy, but the music never suffered for it. He must have had an infallible ear for music.

  2. Hey pallie, likes glad you found my Dino-compliments favorable to ya...and how cool that you are winner others to our most beloved Dino...keeps lovin' our great man!
