Monday, August 29, 2011

Dean Martin slurred his way to the top of the Rat Pack

Hey pallies, likes truly there is absolutely no end to internet pads, and likes thus there is truly no end to Dino-devotion found on the web. Today's little Dino-gem comes from 'nother new-to-us space tagged "Enteractive Magazine," and their Dino-presentation, "Dean Martin slurred his way to the top of the Rat Pack."

Though short in length, today's evocative Dino-post is long in Dino-images...never heard most of 'em before....for example..."As tanned as a hash brown, the toast of the celebrity roast." Never heard our Dino's amazin' tan compared to hash browns...or to toast for that matter.

And nouveau hipster that penned these intriguin' Dino-thoughts ends with the provocative Dino-statements..."Dino cared deeply about—and took care of—his appearance more than his fans would care to know. And it showed." Likes I for one Dino-holic woulda loves to know what this dude is referrin' to 'bout our Dino's devotion to his appearance.

This post seems reminiscent of Nick Tosche's writin' on Dino..likes sometime you can't tell whether the writer is dissin' our Dino...or simply usin' such language and images 'cause likes their are likes in total awe of our most beloved Dino. Your thoughts pallies?

To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-diggin', DMP

Enteractive Magazine

Dean Martin slurred his way to the top of the Rat Pack

August 25, 2011

As tanned as a hash brown, the toast of the celebrity roast, Dean Martin slurred his way to the top of the Rat Pack. His legal name was Dino, and the vanity plate on his car read DRUNKY. Even though he chain-smoked, Martin was blessed with Italian skin that kept its glow until his death at 78. Some say he remains preserved because his body was pickled. But as with his whole rakishly cultivated persona, Dino cared deeply about—and took care of—his appearance more than his fans would care to know. And it showed.


  1. Our Dino slurred when he spoke and sang? Maybe. I think that he did so deliberately to set a relaxing mood.

  2. Hey pallie, likes you nailed it Miss AOW....the slurrin' was deliberate to keeps that Dino-relaxin' style...likes keeps lovin' our slurrin' Dino!
