Saturday, August 06, 2011

"And, they are looking at one another with amore in their hearts."

Hey pallies, likes news has broke this week from the pallies at the Muscular Dystrophy Association that Jerry Lewis "will no longer be serving as the organization's national chairman, and that he has 'retired' from hosting the Labor Day telethon."

This news was shared in an article scribed by Mr. Eric Alt at the NBC Miami web pad, where today's Dino-gram originates from. In addition to the written announcement the NBC site also includes a stunnin' vid of a live interview conducted by Access Hollywood.

The truly thrillin' thin' 'bout the vid is that the interviewer asks Jerry 'bout his remembrances of the reunion with our most beloved Dino durin' the 1976 telethon. And, Mr. Lewis speaks in such lovin' lovin' terms of that stop-the-world Dino-event.

Below is a transcription of Mr. Jerry Lewis' reflections on that most amore moment in their relationship, as well as the vid of that most important event ever covered by live television. Likes just knows that you will find the greatest of great Dino-pleasure in readin' Jerry's heart-felt passion for his beloved partner.

Likes sorry that I wasn't able to find a way to get the interview posted directly here at ilovedinomartin, but likes if you clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram you will be transported to the NBC Miami site where you can view the interview.

ilovedinomartin sez our Dino-appreciato to Mr. Eric Alt and the pallies at NBC Miami for makin' the interview available. And, likes one last Dino-thought to share. On the vid when Jerry was asked to speak more 'bout our great man he boldly proclaimed his deep, pure, and true Dino-devotion when he sez, "He was just the greatest straight man that ever lived, that's all. Thanks Mr. Lewis for continuin' to show your outstandin' amore for our most beloved Dino! Dino-sharin', DMP

"We hadn't talked for twenty years, and a lot of people didn't know that. So, the blending of the two bodies were chemically geared to embrace, which we did. And, if you ever look at the faces of the two people that we are talking about, you would know that's their first togetherness in two decades. And, they are looking at one another with amore in their hearts. They are crazy about each other."

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