Monday, July 25, 2011

On This Day In Dino-history: July 25, 1946

Hey pallies, likes today is 'nother very very important day in all of Dino-history. It was on this date 55 years ago this very Dino-day that our most beloved Dino and the Jer did their first nightclub performance in Alantic City...and of course the rest is Dino-history.

Today's Dinoremembrance comes from the blog pad "" and features an outstandin' pix of our amazin' Dino and the kid makin' funny. Likes everythin' our Dino does it likes so so the point that the team of Martin and Lewis performed for exaxtly 10 years to the day....beginnin' July 26, 1946 and endin' as we shared yesterday on July 25, 1056. Certainly was the decade of comedic brillance between our beloved Dino and the Jer.

So so loves rememberin' and honorin' these most important days in the life and times of our great man. To view this in it's original format, likes clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-rememberin', DMP

Dean Martin And Jerry Lewis Began Performing As A Nightclub Song And Comedy Act

On July 25th, 1946, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis began their partnership as a nightclub song and comedy act with a performance in Atlantic City. They split up in 1956.

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