Monday, July 11, 2011

On This Day In Dino-history: July 11, 1946 Our Dino Records His First Songs

Hey pallies, the 'net is literally burstin' with Dino-features, likes so much so that simply gonna have to try and makes several Dino-posts these days just likes to try and keeps up with all the Dino-activity.

From the musical blog "MUSICBACKTRACK...the soundtrack of our lives," we learn from blogmaster Vincent Lovegrove that today is a very very special day in all of Dino-history. Lovegrove reminds all us Dino-holics that likes on this day, July 11, 1946 our Dino recorded his first four tunes...the start of his unparalleled recordin' career began on this very day 65 years ago!

While Lovegrove doesn't likes tell us the tags of the tunes (that will be comin' up very very Dino-soon in 'nother brief Dino-post) he does share a ton of Dino-adulation with all us hooked on Dino-junkies. Lovegrove certainly does spreads some Dino-love 'round with some awesome Dino-thoughts includin'...

"...he lived and died the high life of booze, broads and bright lights, always projecting a sense of utter detachment and serenity..."

"Martin remains the epitome of the excesses of a bygone era, a world without rules or consequences."

and my fav of all...."Dean Martin remained aloof, near the most distant star in the galaxy."

Truly, truly Mr. Vincent Lovegrove "gets Martin" and certainly is to be praised for spreadin' such deep, pure, and true Dino-devotion 'round his great blog pad. In addition to such outstandin' Dino-thoughts Mr. Lovegrove also offers the Dino-pleasure of a couple of great Dino-vid clips of Dino-classics as well!

ilovedinomartin sez our most devoted Dino-thanks to Lovegrove for liftin' up the life and times..and this great piece of Dino-musical-history with all the readers of his blog...helpin' many pallies to come to know, love, and honor our most amazin' Dino! To view this in it's original format, just clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-learnin' and Dino-growin', DMP

July 11, 2011

1946 - It''s July 11, and Dean Martin, the man they dubbed 'the king of cool', recorded his first four songs. During his long career, Martin enjoyed great success in music, film, television, and the stage. More than an entertainer, Dean Martin became an icon in his lifetime, and was a regular on the big screen with his duo comedy partner, Jerry Lewis. A member of the legendary so-called Rat Pack, he lived and died the high life of booze, broads and bright lights, always projecting a sense of utter detachment and serenity - or so his image went; along with Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr. and the other chosen few who breathed the same rarefied air-of-true-stardom, Martin, always had a martini and ciggie in hand, although many say it was purely an image to which he remained true in fantasy only. Martin remains the epitome of the excesses of a bygone era, a world without rules or consequences. Of course we see that as a truism of the entertainment industry today, too, but in those days it was also accompanied by a touch of class and dignity, and that certainly cannot be said of today's equivalents, such as Martin Sheen, who is not even in the same ball park as Martin. Dean Martin remained aloof, near the most distant star in the galaxy. With the continued success of his many TV specials, he effectively conquered movies, music, television and the stage, simultaneously, a claim not many other entertainers can make. He died of acute respiratory failure at his home on Christmas morning 1995, at the age of 78. The lights of the Las Vegas Strip were dimmed in his honour. These two songs were not amongst his first recorded, but they remain two of his best known: the first was released in 1953, the second in 1956.


  1. A great day in the history of entertainment, indeed!

  2. Hey pallie, likes your're a teacher Miss AOW, wonderin' how we woulda goes 'bout gettin'a class in Dino-history...or at least a unit of said into our academic studies....keeps lovin' our Dino!
