Friday, July 22, 2011 was Dean Martin presents Engelbert Humperdinck.

Hey pallies, likes always always loves so much to hear how our ever kind and ever generous Dino has been of amazin' help to others. Today's post from the 'net pad Robin Leach's "Vegas Deluxe," is a special feature written by Mr. Engelbert Humperdinck 'bout his "unbelievable journey" in show biz.

On July 20th,at the age of 75, Mr. Humperdinck was awarded a star on the Las Vegas Walk of Stars. Engelbert's prose below retells his earliest days in show biz and how he broke into 'Vegas. It's so so heartwarmin' to hear from Mr. Humperdinck's of how our most beloved Dino was so so supportive to him: "For the first time in his life, he put his name on the marquee for an artist, it was Dean Martin presents Engelbert Humperdinck. That was the start of my career in Las Vegas."

Ain't that likes our Dino to be so so generous in usin' his clout to help 'nother make it to the big time....just likes makes me loves our Dino ever ever more...if that is Dino-possible!

Thanks to Mr. Engelbert Humperdinck for sharin' his tale of Dino-support and for pallie Robin Leach of "Vegas Deluxe" for sharin' this great story with his readers. To read this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

Also included here for your viewin' pleasure is a stellar stellar clip of our great man and Engelbert duetin' together on the Dino-show singin' and patterin' 'round the song "Crosby, Sinatra, and Me." Loves it pallies, loves it! Dino-delightedly, DMP

Engelbert Humperdinck: ‘It’s been an unbelievable journey’

By Engelbert Humperdinck

I was 17 when I first started out at a working men’s club in the north of England. I went there not realizing they were doing auditions. I got up to sing -- everyone stood up and came to me after and asked me who my agent was because they wanted to book me in the club. I told them I wasn’t even in show business!

I began working when I was 15 doing engineering, I thought I was going to follow in my father’s footsteps, but I didn’t like it. I was still taking music lessons. When I sang in that club, it opened the door for me to open my throat and know what I wanted in life. I think everything happened for a reason, it was all pre-destined, and I think that’s why I’m here today. I don’t remember what love song that I sang that day, because there have been so many over the years.

When I started to try to make it in showbiz, I auditioned several times and was turned down several times. But I always said the first rule to communication is the willingness to take rejection, and I took it several times. I was ridiculed so many times -- “Don’t call me, we’ll call you” -- but I kept going back until it all started happening for me.

In the late ’50s, I got established on television on Song Parade, but without a hit record. I was singing people’s songs that were hits at the time. I became a household name, and then all of a sudden I got tuberculosis. I was in the hospital for six months and away from the business for 18 months. I came back fighting again, but nobody wanted to know me because everybody thought of tuberculosis as a disease.

Changing my name was the only chance I had at making it. When you try to come back into the business after being off and being rejected again, I had to change a lot of things. I knew that, so I watched The Beatles and their hairstyles. They had an image, so I decided to dye my hair really, really black, grow my sideburns really long and had a little flicker in the back. It was the start of my image, and then when my manager Gordon Mills gave me the name of Engelbert Humperdinck, I thought I was going to fall off the stool.

I said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said, “Well, it belonged to a German composer, and he’s dead, so you’ve got it now!” So I told him, “Alright, don’t lose your temper, I’m just asking a question.” It was difficult because it’s hard to spell, it’s hard to pronounce, and everyone called me Pumpernickel. Eventually, I broke through and I came back, and “Release Me” was born.

Engelbert Humperdinck receives a Las Vegas Walk of Stars honor at the Paris on July 20, 2011. His wife Patricia and children Scott, Jason and Louise were in attendance.

Dean Martin could never say it right, speaking of which, he’s the one who is responsible for me being in Las Vegas. He took a shine to me when I first began, when I first signed with the Riviera, Dean had a piece of that hotel. For the first time in his life, he put his name on the marquee for an artist, it was Dean Martin presents Engelbert Humperdinck. That was the start of my career in Las Vegas.


  1. For the first time in his life, he put his name on the marquee for an artist, it was Dean Martin presents Engelbert Humperdinck. That was the start of my career in Las Vegas.

    Another great fact to add to my store of Dino-information!

  2. Hey pallie, exactly Miss AOW, and yet 'nother wonderful reason for sharin' with others whys we loves our most beloved Dino si very very much! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
