Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dean Martin Love

Hey pallies, likes hear name is Christy and she hangs her hat at her blog pad, "Fountains Of style faith love." In her own words Miss Christy describes herself as, "the happy mom to three little babies ages 3,2, and 1! I have a great fondness for my home and the happiness it brings to the souls of my family."

And, by the tag of Dino-post, "Dean Martin Love," Miss Christy is obviously a pure, deep, and true lover of our beloved Dino. Christy's homagin' of our Dino in such an open and adulated way, simply warms the depths of my Dino-heart. Beginnin' with a quartet of well-loved Dino-pixs, startin' with that most famous and much enjoyed pix of our Dino readin' "The Drinking Man's Diet," and followed by Miss Christy's personal Dino-testimony of devotion, this is a simply delightful honorin' of the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino.

Loves how Miss Christy gives one of her "secrets" to managin' three young toddlers and preparin' for dinner...."one of my secrets is cranking Dean Martin while I make dinner and try to make it through the last hour before the beloved husband gets home." Ain't it the coolest pallies that Miss Christy gets so so much comfort from spendin' time with our beloved Dino?

And, so so digs how Miss Christy receives such comfort from her sense of Dino-understandin'...."And of course you've got to appreciate his constant cigarette and scotch in hand, even if its a little too early to have your own much deserved drink after a day of tantrums, toddler trouble, and diapers you feel Dean wouldn't judge you if you did!"

Certainly hopes that many young moms are drawn to Miss Christy's Dino-prose and will also find similar comfort and understandin' from our great man! ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to Miss Christy for so lovin'ly expressin' her passion for our Dino. To read this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-delightedly, DMP

Dean Martin Love

I know I'm the last person to be giving dinnertime/mom advice here(see last post) but one of my secrets is cranking Dean Martin while I make dinner and try to make it through the last hour before the beloved husband gets home.

I mean it just makes sense. How can you feel grumpy and tired while listening to him? He exudes cool. The big-band in the background, the occasional well-placed Italian phrase= gold!

And of course you've got to appreciate his constant cigarette and scotch in hand, even if its a little too early to have your own much deserved drink after a day of tantrums, toddler trouble, and diapers you feel Dean wouldn't judge you if you did!

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