Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Remembering Dean Martin [ABC: 6-06-2011]

Hey pallies, likes here is a clip from yesterday's ABC news featurin' our beloved Dino's girlpallie Deana bein' interviewed on the eve of our great man's 94th anniversary of his enterin' our world. With the recent release of the "Best of the Dean Martin Show" on DVD and the release today of the Dino-pix book and double CD set of "Cool Then, Cool Now," ABC quires Miss Martin 'bout her father's show and our Dino as a family man.

As usual, Miss Martin gives a very poised and upbeat reflection on her father. All I wish is that her written words about her father in her Dino-bio, "Memories Are Made Of This" matched the words she now speaks publicly 'bout our beloved Dino. I am sure many of you who have read her book remember many of her less then gracious words about her father..includin' when she said to the effect that our Dino was a great man, but not a great father.

On this day of rememberin' our Dino's entrance onto our planet, we thank the pallies at ABC for rememberin' our beloved Dino in this way. I certainly woulda be interested in your perspectives on this interview. Dino-devotedly, DMP

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