Monday, June 20, 2011

One This Day In Dino-history: June 20, 1948 Dino and the Jer premier on "Toast Of The Town"

Hey pallies, likes from Gibson's Lifestyle pad featurin' cool info on this day in music history comes the amazin' Dino-remembrance that likes it was on this day in 1948 that Mr. Ed Sullivan's "Toast Of The Town" debuted on CBS. Headlinin' the new show was none other then Martin and Lewis. Sez below that of the $375 spent on talent, our great man and the kid got likes $200. Now how cool is that dudes!

Simply loves tryin' to memorize all these important dates in the life and times of our legendary Dino! To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-loved, DMP

1948, Toast of the Town, which would later be called The Ed Sullivan Show, premiered on CBS-TV. The first show was produced on a budget of $1,375. Only $375 was allocated for talent, $200 of which was shared by two of the young stars that evening, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis.

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