Wednesday, June 08, 2011

I’m a fan of the late, great Dean Martin.

Hey pallies, likes last year my fav Dino-birthday-trib came from our pallie Otto Bruno at his self-tagged blog space. Likes totally loved what Mr. Bruno shared in that post, includin' the Dino-heartwarmin' story of how he quit a game of b-ball as a kid to get home to catch our Dino on the tube, that likes I couldn't wait to see what Otto woulda puts up this year. And, likes pallies gotta tell you that I ain't been disappointed.

Certainly Mr. Bruno "gets Martin" and I would advise you to takes Otto's advise..."You can find a number of entries about Dean Martin on this site and if you’re a fan, I invite you to search for those entries."

Likes, this year my fav thin' of Bruno's Dino-homagin' is the outstandin' set of Dino-clips that he has chosen to share with his readers. He begins with one of my most fav of fav Dino-moments from the Dino-show where our Dino and the Sam man makes the coolest of the cool music together....likes pallies I coulda and often do watch that Dino-vid over and over and over....likes just can never gets 'nough of the Dino-magic made by our beloved Dino and Sammy Davis Jr. Each of the Dino-vids shows our great man in great form with a variety of entertainment giants.

ilovedinomartin shares our Dino-appreciato with Mr. Otto Bruno for 'nother outstandin' tribute to the one and only Dino. Likes trust that many of Otto's readership will be drawn into relationship with our beloved Dino. To view this in it's orginal format, again, just clicks on the tag of these Dino-thoughts. Dino-devotedly, DMP

Happy Birthday Dean!!

June 7th, 2011

Regulars to this site know I’m a fan of the late, great Dean Martin. For those of you new to the site, I’m a fan of the late, great Dean Martin.

Today would have been Dino’s 94th birthday. He’s one of those special few entertainers from Hollywood’s “Golden Age” who’s reputation and popularity continues to hold steady over a decade after his passing. His easygoing charm and laid back persona on TV and film endeared him to multiple generations of fans.

You can find a number of entries about Dean Martin on this site and if you’re a fan, I invite you to search for those entries.

I see that TCM is showing some Dino films this morning and afternoon. If you look quickly at the schedule you might think it was a Sinatra film fest as they’ve included many of the films Dean and Frank did together. That’s all well and good but it also leaves out a good many Dean Martin films that should be representing him on his special day. Films like Rio Bravo, Airport, The Young Lions, Bandolero, The Sons of Katie Elder and Five Card Stud. And we shouldn’t forget at least one film representing his Matt Helm character – maybe, The Silencers?

I guess it doesn’t really matter. Any footage of Dean Martin on film is bound to bring a smile to your face and a song to your heart.

Happy Birthday Dino – thanks for all the happy memories.

Here’s a sample of just a few of those happy memories.

After watching all these clips I can’t tell if the tears are from my laughter or my nostalgiac longing.


  1. Hey pallie, thanks Miss Dawn for all you do to show your deep, pure, and true Dino-devotion...and keeps lovin' our Dino!
