Wednesday, May 04, 2011

What if Dean Martin used Twitter?

Hey pallies, likes I continues to marvel at the amazin' Dino-creativity bein' exhibited all over the 'net. Today ilovedinomartin puts the accent on the pad "Hollandz" where blogger Mr. Brad Holland asks the provocative quire, "What if Dean Martin used Twitter?"

Holland intends to run a whole series of posts on how "celebrities and icons of older generations who didn’t have access to our online social networks would discuss amongst their peers and fans." And, havin' the greatest of Dino-sense, Brad has chosen to begin his wonderin's with our beloved Dino!

Checks out the awesome Twitter page that Holland has created for our Dino...very very cool. And, digs the ever so evocative patter that Brad has created between our great man and the blond bombshell, Miss Marilyn Monroe.

Mr. Brad Holland has certainly used a huge 'mount of creativity to comes up with this likes totally rad concept....and it certainly does gets our Dino-thoughts goin' to wonder what sorta dialogues mighta have occured between our beloved Dino and his pallies male and female.

Now, likes I know that 'cause our Dino was such a private man, he probably woulda never ever used any social media...but this very notion does bring a huge Dino-buddhagrin to my face, and much Dino-wonderin' to my mind.

Thanks ever so much Mr. Brad Holland for liftin' up the name of our Dino is most provocative and evocative way...sure to draws many to growin' in their knowin', lovin', and honorin' of our amazin' Dino! To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the title of this Dino-reflection. Dino-loved, DMP

What if Dean Martin used Twitter?
By Brad– April 21, 2011
Posted in: Humor, Thoughts

Sometimes I wonder what some celebrities and icons of older generations who didn’t have access to our online social networks would discuss amongst their peers and fans. I decided that I will look into alternative universes with my clairvoyant powers, take mental screenshots and then use telepathy to open Photoshop and save them as an image that can be shared amongst you good folks.
The “What If Dead Celebrities Had Twitter” is going to turn into series. If you have any suggestions on who you would like me to visit and stalk online in those alternate realms, let me know and I’ll see what I can do. Please let me know your thoughts on this.

Today’s Dead Celebrity: DEAN MARTIN

Remember, Life is good, Live it up!

By Brad– April 21, 2011

Posted in: Humor, Thoughts


  1. Dean Martin on Twitter? Would that be wonderful? He'd drop pearls of wisdom, and we'd be back in the good ol' days!

  2. Hey pallie, yea, Miss AOW...mere words coulda not describe how wonderful that woulda be...havin' our beloved Dino communicatin' all his amazin' teachin's to his devoted fans woulda be likes the bestest of the best...thanks for the patter, and whatever you do, keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. Hey DMP,

    Thanks for writing about my "Dean on Twitter" post. I hope you and your readers got a kick in the head over it.

    Take care and keep up the good work.


  4. Hey pallie, the pleasure is all mine Mr. Brad...and might I add, a very refreshin' pleasure at that...simply loves the Dino-creativity all over the web includin' your stellar Dino-post! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
