Friday, May 06, 2011

The One And Only Dean Martin!

Hey pallies, likes I'm wonderin' who has been the biggest Dino-influence in your life? Likes so so many of the stories I hear of how pallies have been drawn to our beloved Dino includes tales of the many and varied ways that our Dino has used other people to draw pallies unto himself.

Today's post from an unknown auther at a blog simply tagged "Movies" speaks of the huge influence that their father had on 'em comin' to know, love, and treasure our Dino's legacy. It certainly warms this pallie's heart to hear 'nother amazin' story of one generation leadin' 'nother into the Dino-truth. How outstandin' to read of the depth of this dude's father's Dino-devotion that has now passed on to his prodigy.

I certainly encourage you to take the time to read all the wonderful thin's that this blogger's daddy-o proclaimed 'bout our beloved Dino..but here are few of my most fav thoughts shared from father to child....

"He said Dean loved music and people, not to mention drinking, gambling, smoking, and girls. I can still see my dad’s eyes light up talking about him. He said he had a sense of humor that was witty and charming to the ladies."

It is likes so so rewardin' to see the amazin', powerful, and long lastin' Dino-impression that a Dino-holic parent can have on their children. How wonderful when fathers likes this writer's daddy-o take the responsibility to impart their Dino-knowledge and Dino-devotion to the future gen.

ilovedinomartin is thrilled to be sharin' this stellar modelin' of spreadin' the Dino-truth from one generation to the next, and sez our thanks to the unknown auther of this Dino-praise. Thanks for givin' your awesome testimony of comin' to Dino-devotion through your father's impartin' of his Dino-devotion to you!

To read this in it's original format, as usual, just clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-loved, DMP

The One And Only Dean Martin!

I remember my Dad talking about the old days.(like he had on many occasions..:) The way things were in the 1960′s in the new T.V. world, as well as the entertainment world in general. What he talked about the most was the famous, “Rat Pack”. It was a group of stars that consist of Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Joey Bishop, and Peter Lawford. They were all stars in their own right, and were Vegas headliners for years. They were talented in song, dance,humor, and musically.

My Dad always said, those were the days when entertainment was entertainment. It didn’t take me long to agree, and understand why Dean Martin was his favorite.

He told me all the ways Dean Martin was so talented. How the industry and his fans seen in him an entertainer like no other. They all loved him, making him the most popular one in that group of Vegas stars called,”The Rat Pack”.

He mentioned to me how Dean starred in comedy movies with Jerry Lewis for 10 years. Which they were successful doing until they parted ways to do other things. He mentioned how he also did 50 plus movies from a James Bond type of character Matt Helm, cowboy movies with John Wayne, and a few gangster kind of movies with his “Rat Pack” friends. Then he did a T.V. variety show on NBC for 10 years with top T.V. ratings from his first year to his last. He had every star in Hollywood on his show at one time or another, and some of them many times over. They all loved the tall, handsome, funny, and talented man.

My Dad talked of the popular “Gold Diggers” who were good female dancers on his show, and very pretty he added..:) He said Dean loved music and people, not to mention drinking, gambling, smoking, and girls. I can still see my dad’s eyes light up talking about him. He said he had a sense of humor that was witty and charming to the ladies. He also had hit songs like, “That’s Amore”, “Volare”, and of course his signature song,”Everybody Loves Somebody” just to name a few. Dean also has a number of Christmas songs that radios still play every year as well. With all he did, he loved music the most.

When Dean retired he still continued to shine in the spotlight. He did a “Celebrity Roast” for a number of years, also with the biggest stars in Hollywood. They loved him as much as the fans. The NBC people even sponsored a golf tournament named, “The Dean Martin Tucson Open” for a 3 year period.

The contract he signed with NBC was the biggest of it’s time. With all the fame, success, money, and anything else you could think of, he was always the same Dean Martin. When Dean passed away on Christmas night of 1995 at the age of 78, a sadness blanketed the world. It was a sadness felt by family, fans, and all his friends alike. He was one star that burned into the night like no other. His memory is still remembered today by my Dad…and now by me.


  1. Aha! Idea!

    When I can find the time, I'll do up a post about how I discovered Dean Martin. I think the way I fell in love with our Dino is a bit unusual.

    My post will be for this site, of course.

    **building suspense**

    Hey, how about this, DMP? Send me an email around June 1 to remind me. Thanks in advance.

  2. Hey pallie, the thanks goes to you Miss AOW...I will do my best to remember to send off that reminder...and, of course, whenever you can get to the Dino-reflection will be absolutely perfect....likes we have all the Dino-time in the world to keeps liftin' up the name of our Dino..thanks ever so much and keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. Man, this unknown poster is right on target! Makes me happy to hear such Dino-praisin' as well!
    Also, very excited to read Ms. AOW's postin'! Lookin' forward to hearin' this "unusual" way she came to love Dean!

    Danny G.

  4. Hey pallie, Danny G. likes I thought of you man when I was workin' on this Dino-prose...'cause like you this dude got turned on to our Dino by his blessed he and you are for havin' an old man wise 'nough to share their Dino-passion with their prodigy! Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  5. This is a great story.
    I wish I could sit down and talk to Danny G about Dino.
    Danny your dad was so lucky to know Dino and I like hearing how nice Dino was.
    Ky will like this, she has a cold but when she feels better i will tell her.
    When Dino died, i was a baby so i didnt know who Dino was.
    Over years knowing Ky, i have become a huge huge fan.
    To me he is the greatest and the coolest and his songs have happy memories for me too

  6. Hey pallie, Deanager Levi, very cool of you dude to be droppin' some Dino-patter and spreadin' your Dino-devotion here...keeps lovin' our Dino and hopes likes you will be free to share more of your Dino-thoughts through cool Dino-patter here at the ol' ilovedinomartin Dino-blog...

  7. Hi Danny,
    Sorry for not commenting sooner.
    I haven`t been online much as I didn`t feel too well.
    This is a great story and you and your dad have so many wonderful memories to share.
    Hugs and Kisses
    from Kylie xxxoooxxx

  8. Hey pallie, for clarification Miss Ky, this Dino-reflection was written by an "unknown poster" as Danny G. states in his comments...I was sayin' that the prose reminded me of our Danny G. and his daddy-o's Dino-relationship...and for more on that be sure to checks out today's Dino-gram...and by all means, keeps lovin' our Dino!
