Tuesday, May 17, 2011

more singin', laughin', and lovin' from Dean!

Hey pallies, likes here we goes with some more Dino-magic from the soon-to-be released Dino-discs from the Dino-show via the pallies at Time-Life. Today's first Dino-teaser features our great man and that great lookin' and singin' singer, Miss Lainie Kazan. Our beloved Dino and Miss Lainie "Cuddle Up A Little Closer" musically as well as physically, and likes of course our Dino miss cues the lyrics and makes it so so much Dino-fun in the process.

Next up is our Dino doin' a sketch with Miss Florence Henderson and Mr. Tony Bennett...believe it our not pallies...likes no singin' between the three of 'em...but a fun skit of amorin' with a surprise twist at the endin'.

And, likes last but not least of this trio of Dino-delights is likes one of my all time personal fav moments from the Dino-vaults....our great man and Mr. George Gobel.
Lonesome George with guitar in hand sings his randy version of "Tie Me Kangeroo Down, Boys"...featurin' special lyrics 'bout Mr. George's Cockatoo. These two talented guys likes have so so much fun together...and likes I loves to see our Dino try to stay serious as Mr. George cracks him up with the cocky lyrics.

Enjoys pallies...won't be too many now before we will be able to enjoys the complete versions of these stellar Dino-moments once the Time-Life Dino-discs arrive in the stores. Keeps lovin' our Dino pallies o'mine! Dino-holiclly, DMP

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