Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dean Martin info and news

Hey pallies, likes what does Justin Bieber, our Dino, The British Curry Awards, and the Taliban all have in common? Likes they are all part of a very-new-to-the-blogsphere pad tagged "Stupid Kids, Stupid Blog." Just 6 blog posts old, startin' this very month of May, the second post already has begun puttin' the accent on our Dino.

'Though only the briefest of briefest Dino-posts, all you Dino-philes mighta wonder why ilovedinomartin has chosen to feature "Dean Martin info and news"? Well pallies, likes I thinks it is so so cool to see our Dino mixed with the likes of Justin Bieber and The Taliban. And, likes as I read through the posts tryin' to figure out who "Room 2" blogger is, I woulda bet that it is a young teen Brit chick behind the blog...perhaps tagged Emily or Evie...so certainly wanna encourage such Dino-devotion 'mong someone so young.

And, gotta 'fess up that was thrilled to see this probable Deanager usin' the pallie language! Certainly will be lookin' foward to more Dino-reflections from Room 2 in the Dino-future. ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to Dino-lover Room 2 and thanks you for spreadin' some Dino-love 'round your new blog pad. To checks this out in it's original format, just, as usual, clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-loved, DMP

Friday, 20 May 2011

Dean Martin info and news

Dean Martin

Dean Martin is one of the most famous singers in history with such hits as volare, sway, memories are made of this, that’s amore, aint that a kick in the head and everybody loves somebody.He ran his own 60s variety show that featured guest stars acts songs and performances.He was a talented actor starring in such films as john waynes Rio Bravo and the original oceans eleven with the rat pack the hit group he was in along with Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis jr.They did impressions acts sketches and songs.His son died tragically in a plane crash before a rat pack getogether forcing him to be replaced with lizen Minnelli.

Hey pallies check out the other info and don’t forget the upcoming variety show boxset on May 24th 2011.
This weeks top song to kick of the blog is of course Everybody loves somebody sometime.


  1. Eclectic tastes over there at that blog.

    But the main thing is that the bloggers there love our Dino.

  2. Hey pallie, the very Dino-point Miss AOW...loves to find others who loves our beloved Dino and share their Dino-passion with others here...stay tuned soon for 'nother Dino-lover Bobby's Dino-reflections...and as ever, keeps lovin' our Dino!
