Sunday, May 01, 2011

Danny G.'s Sunday Serenade with Dino: "What's Yesterday"

Time for nother' Sunday Serenade ladies and gentlemen! This week we hear from a little older...a little wiser...a little BLONDER??!!... Dean Martin.
I personally call these "The Highlight Years." It was 1972. Dean just released the "Dino" album. My fav from this outstandin' recordin' was "What's Yesterday?"

Dino was in the midst of divorce numero duo from "The Jeanne" and was possibly already involved with a much younger Miss Cathy Hawn. Dean seemed to be lookin' for somethin' new in his life. As we all do once in a while...Dino needed a change. Some may call this a "mid-life crisis". I call it a "Rebirth" for out great man!

This song really seemed, to me, to be the way Dean was feelin' at this particular time in his very own life. I imagine that these lyrics could be to Jeanne. Tellin' her how much he truly loved her and ONLY her but just couldn't be tied down any longer.

The world was callin' and he just couldn't turn a deaf ear any longer. His heart and spirit were meant to roam! After all folks...HE WAS DEAN MARTIN!!! Who knows for sure? There may have been nother' amore in Dean's mind, when he was croonin' this cool cool tune, that none of us ever knew bout'. We can only guess.

Let's get to the music pallies! Watch and listen how Dino truly expresses his most deepest, purest feelin's for this unknown lucky lady! Remember pals...Always keep the vino and the Dino flowin'!!!

Danny G.

What's Yesterday?

What's yesterday,
if we can never say,
"remember when?"

Life with no past,
a show with no cast,
can you picture them?

One sad day
when the chill just won't go away.
You have something to warm you
in the warmest way.

Time will allow
one moment of a now
then it's yesterday.

Girl got the will
to make time stand still,
don't throw this away.

Move your eyes in a way
that it tickles me.
Your no longer afraid
You'll believe in me.

Take a deep breath.
Smile, you won't regret
what just came your way.

Look, there's the sun.
Your life has just begun
only yesterday.

The coffee's in the cup.
The toast is poppin' up.
The smokes are over there.

The coffee's in the cup.
The toast is poppin' up.
The smokes are over there.

1 comment:

  1. Hey pallie, Danny G. likes I have been tryin' for ever so long likes to put into words the stirrin's goin' on in our Dino in the early 70's and likes dude you simply have nailed it man when you sez,
    "I call it a 'Rebirth' for out great man!" This is such a refreshin' reflection that you have wrote on our beloved so Dino-honorin' is likes crystal clear how deep and broad and high is your Dino-devotion...thanks for sharin' your Dino-passion with all us pallies, and by all means....keeps lovin' our Dino!
