Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Movie Mag Covers Featurin' Our Dino and Miss Cathy

Hey pallies, likes today we brings you more Dino-action from the pad "" This site has a couple of pages devoted to Magazine covers puttin' the accent on our beloved Dino...and likes of the over two dozen cover shots displayed 7-count'em-7 feature the romancin' between our great man and his amore Cathy Mae Hawn.

So, likes for all our Dino-viewin' pleasure, here are the seven mag snags that show the progression of the relationship between our Dino and Cathy-with-the candified-K....from datin' married movin' toward's splitsville. Woulda so so loves to have all these mags in my Dino-possession to study the relationship between Dino and Miss Cathy in much more Dino-depth.

May be featurin' more of these groovy covers at 'nother Dino-date..but if you likes wants to view 'em all in all their Dino-glory, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-message. Dino-loved.


  1. Excellent find, DMP!

    Those magazine covers do bring back the days when our Dino was ever in the headlines.

  2. Hey pallie, likes you sez Miss AOW..."Those magazine covers do bring back the days when our Dino was ever in the headlines."

    Well how amazin' is it that our Dino is still so so often in the headlines 'specially here on the 'net...loves our Dino! And, of course, likes keeps lovin' our Dino!
