Thursday, April 21, 2011

DEAN MARTIN: Coolest Of The Cool

Hey pallies, likes I simply loves to search blogs for Dino-devotion wherever it may be found. Today's Dino-reflections comes from a blog tagged "Faustian urGe Fist" where a dude tagged Coronare Modestus Faust holds forth. Tried for find out more info 'bout Faust, but to no avail... it does appear that most of the blog posts at this pad revolve 'round social/politico issues.

Anyway likes pallies this dude is likes truly in the Dino-know taggin' our beloved Dino as the "Coolest Of The Cool," which is likes simply speakin' the Dino-truth. Loves to read the Dino-praises that Faust lauds our great man with....."Dean Martin evoked a sense of happiness, goodness, pleasure that enriched lives." Happiness, Goodness, and Pleasure are certainly all worthy attributes of the gifts that our beloved Dino bestows on all of his true pallies!

Likes encourages all you pallies to read each and every Dino-thought espoused by Mr. Faust and will be lookin' forward to your Dino-patter on Faust's take on our great man.

Thanks to Coronare Modestus Faust for boldly and belovedly speakin'his Dino-admiration to his readers and helpin' them to grow in knowin', lovin', and honorin' our amazin' Dino! Likes as usual, to read this Dino-prose in it's original format, just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-message. Dino-loved, DMP

DEAN MARTIN: Coolest Of The Cool

By Coronare Modestus Faust

A time existed when entertainment was just that… entertaining.
Talents like Dean Martin evoked a sense of happiness, goodness, pleasure that enriched lives. Would that our culture today supported and valued these traits again… and television might just become worth watching once more. Hats off to you, Dean, you’re missed…

You know, entertainers like Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Dinah Shore, et al, grew up with lesser means and in lower-class settings, yet what they strove toward and achieved was to become something better than as they started, to achieve a sophistication, to be more than just famous and rich… and they were also “pop.”

To be sure, these folks were deeply flawed like anyone else. Sinatra had a wild temper. Martin drank and smoke constantly… on air and off. Some of them had tremendous addictions. Yet, when they went on stage, they delivered us the better self, the talented self, the self they strode toward. They recognized that humanity in themselves.

Long after they had passed the peak of their careers or worked together, they respected their shared humanity and shared it with the world.

After Dean Martin’s son died in an air force accident, Dean fell into a deep depression. Despite the wealth and fame, what he valued most just left this realm, and he knew he was poorer for the loss. So tirade-driven, mean-spirited Sinatra showed his real humanity and took on a personal mission to provide meaning back into Martin’s life. Sinatra took these ol’ boys back on the road to show his pal that he and millions of fans appreciated their humanity.

Today is a different world. It too often seems that todays “pop” stars don’t really show much interest in this kind of growth, in this kind of goal setting, in this kind of mentorship for their starry-eyed followers.

The meaning of entertainment has changed, and we are all the lesser for it. Thanks, Dean, for the memories…


  1. Faust is truly a wise man! He is so right that today's entertainers just dont posses the TRUE talent or the connection to the public as Dino. Thanks for the memories Dean!

    Stella G.
    and Danny G.

  2. Hey pallie, indeed Faust truly knows where our Dino is at...never was, never will be anyone as cool as our King of Cool! Indeed Dino is the Coolest of the Cool! Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. The meaning of entertainment has changed, and we are all the lesser for it.

    Ain't that the truth?

    Maybe if our Dino were still with us, he could still get on the best hits charts. Remember that he once knocked the Beatles out of position 1 with "Everybody Loves Somebody"?

  4. I just watched the first video in this post. A real gem!

  5. Hey pallie, indeed Miss AOW, likes if our Dino was still recordin' he woulda certainly knock all of today's musical artists off the charts....I likes hopes that they release the newly discovered Dino-version of "Rock A Bye Your Baby" as a new single...I certainly thinks it has great potential to be a chart bustin' Dino-hit! Glads to hear that you so enjoyed that Dino-clip! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
