Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Suposin'"

Hey pallies! I've been kindly invited to lay nother' Sunday Serenade on all you Dino-holics. And of course, I gratiously accepted. I never pass up an opportunity to share some Dino-thoughts on youse. This is actually one of my new fav's. I'm ashamed to say that I never really paid much attention to it before. I recently purchased it as a single from the itunes store. Man, what a beautiful job Dean does on this one! He never ceases to amaze this paisano! That's whats so great about this day and age that we Dino-holics live in! It's so so easy to find new music to groove on! We're very lucky that we have access to ALL the many many tunes of Dean Martin via the internet. Anyway, I'll get to the song now. This is a great live clip from the show featurin' some hilarious patter from Dino and his piano playin' pal, Mr. Ken Lane. They made a great team! I really love how Dean is havin' some laughs with Ken at first and then completely changes the tone by croonin' such a wonderful tune the next minute. He was a master entertainer to say the least. He always always left you wantin' more! Enjoy pals o' mine, and always always remember...Keep the Vino and the Dino flowin'!

Danny G.

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite Dino songs!

    And the patter in this segment is wonderful.

    I remember the segment quite well, maybe because Lawrence Welk appeared on the show.

    BTW, I believe that Ken Lane co-wrote "Everybody Loves Somebody" as well as "Every Minute, Every Hour." Those songs established a lifelong bond between our Dino and Mr. Lane.

    Of course, it took Jimmy Bowen's arrangement to make the song a top hit.
