Saturday, March 05, 2011

The 'Dean Martin' Collar

Hey pallies, likes you just never know where our Dino is goin' to turn up next. Today's Dino-discovery comes from a rad pad tagged "Vintage Scans' where the blogger shares unusual images from the past, includin' this advert from the October 1954 edition of Esquire Magazine featurin' the 'Dean Martin' Collar.

How cool to know that our Dino's cool style in shirts was recognized in this way...and that his stylin' was one of only 16 shirt styles. How cool to be able to say that you were sportin' a shirt with a Dino-collar!

Thanks to the pallies at "Vintage Scans" for sharin' this Dino-fun with us. To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-post. Dino-loved, DMP

The 'Dean Martin' Collar

I presume that the 'Dean Martin' collar will attract boobicular young ladies.
From Esquire, October 1954.


  1. I presume that the 'Dean Martin' collar will attract boobicular young ladies.

    No doubt!

    Great find, DMP.

  2. Hey pallie, ha ha Miss AOW...yeh, loves that Dino-presumption...likes wishes I had that copy of Esquire for my Dino-collection...thanks for droppin' by faithfully and faithfully sharin' some Dino-patter...keeps lovin' our Dino!
