Saturday, February 05, 2011

"I would kill to be at one of those nightclubs where Dean Martin was crooning."

Hey pallies, likes on this fifth day of Dino-amore-month, ilovedinomartin is pleased to 'gain be puttin' the accent on a young dude who is likes puttin' a heavy accent on our Dino!

From the pad, "IMG Performance Institute Blog," from a feature interview by Mr. Dan Tierney, comes the 'citin' news of one Anthony Castonzo, hugely successful left tackle for Boston College and currently likes one of the NFL Draft’s top hopefuls. Likes if you clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram you will learn many facinatin' facts 'bout Mr. Castonzo....such as he majored in biochemistry 'cause he has a strong interest in medical research.

But, likes of course, what caught this Dino-holic's attention is the fact that star football player Castonzo loves our Dino. When quired by Mr. Tierney 'bout his taste in music, the up and comin' hugely talented Castonzo, so so boldly proclaimed, as you will also read below.....

"I would kill to be at one of those nightclubs where Dean Martin was crooning. I love them both, but I’d take Dean over Frank Sinatra."

Simply does my Dino-heart such delight to hear 'nother of today's youth who has come to know, love, and honor our Dino to the amazin' point of unabashly sharin' his Dino-passion with the world. And havin' such a role model as super college star Anthony Castonzo speakin' of his Dino-devotion certainly will draw many more of today's youngen's to that Dino-magic!

ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to the pallies at "IMG Performance Institute Blog"...'specially interviewer Mr. Dan Tierney for sharin' such great Dino-news. And huge thanks and much success in the NFL draft to Mr. Anthony Castonzo for his message of lovin' devotion to our beloved Dino! Dino-passionately, DMP

…five artists he’d pay to see perform: B.O.B., Lupe Fiasco, Kanye West. Do they have to be living? I would kill to be at one of those nightclubs where Dean Martin was crooning. I love them both, but I’d take Dean over Frank Sinatra. I love Sublime. I like pretty much everything, except country, which is unusual for a lineman.

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