Friday, February 18, 2011

Dean Martin Quotes - Ain't He a Kick in the Funny Bone?

Hey pallies, likes on this 18th day of Dino-amore-month, ilovedinomartin is pleased to share some Dino-love from a Yahoo pad tagged "Associated Content."

Today's we gets like an outstandin' dose of our Dino's wit and wisdom shared by Yahoo contributor Mr. Bryan Mckinley in his Dino-prose, "Dean Martin Quotes - Ain't He a Kick in the Funny Bone?" Likes I'm sure that most of us Dino-devotees likes have heard 'em all before...but, likes who knows who may come to true Dino-admiration by gettin' their first Dino-exposure via this fine trib to our Dino's teachins'?

Truly truly loves how Mckinley honors our beloved Dino with these words of tribute...
" Dean Martin is one of those celebrities that will always live on through time. A man that legendary is just to hard to forget." Likes our pallie Bry speaks such Dino-truth....the life, times, and teachin's of our King of Cool likes will certainly "always live on through time."

ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to Mr. Bryan Mckinley for sharin' his Dino-passion in this way and helpin' others grow in their knowin', lovin, and honorin' of our great man. Thanks also to to pallies at "Associated Content" for publishin' Mckinley's Dino-patterin'. To checks this out in it's original format, likes clicks on the tagg of this Dino-post. Dino-loved, DMP

Dean Martin Quotes - Ain't He a Kick in the Funny Bone?

Top 10 Dean Martin Quotes

Bryan Mckinley, Yahoo! Contributor Network

Feb 17, 2011

It shouldn't be a surprise that most of Dean Martin's quotes are funny ones. Dean Martin was a member of the famed "Rat Pack" and was one of the original crossover celebrities. He was famous for everything Hollywood, including his singing, acting and of course his funny quotes. His quotes cover his thoughts on drinking, kids, marriage and other celebrities. Dean Martin is one of those celebrities that will always live on through time. A man that legendary is just to hard to forget.

Here are the top 10 best Dean Martin quotes

On kids

"I've got seven kids. The three words you hear most around my house are 'hello,' 'goodbye,' and 'I'm pregnant'." ~ Dean Martin

"Sir, have you been drinking today" "What makes you think that officer." Did you see where that last putt went sir?"

"If you drink don't drive. Don't even putt." ~ Dean Martin

Hold on

" You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on." ~ Dean Martin

A backhanded compliment on Milton Berle

"Milton Berle is an inspiration to every young person that wants to get into show business. Hard work, perseverance, and discipline: all the things you need...when you have no talent." ~ Dean Martin

On Phyllis Diller

"Phyllis is the women of about whom Picasso once said, "Somebody throw a drop cloth over that." ~ Dean Martin

On motivation

"Motivation is a lotta crap." ~ Dean Martin

On filing divorce from his second marriage

"I know it's the gentlemanly thing to let the wife file. But, then, everybody knows I'm no gentleman." ~ Dean Martin

On drinking

"I drink because my body craves, needs alcohol. I don't drink, my body's a drunk." ~ Dean Martin

On Frank Sinatra

"In high school, Frank never participated in extra-curricular activities, like nature study, paintings or ceramics. Frank`s hobby was a most interesting one: he was an amateur gynecologist." ~ Dean Martin

On Johnny Carson

"Johnny Carson is a comedian who is seen every night in millions of bedrooms all over America...and that`s why his last wife left him." ~ Dean Martin


  1. Our Dino certainly was the master of one liners.

    And his sense of timing! Perfect! Other master comedians have also commented on that particular talent our Dino had.

  2. Hey pallie, exactly, and so amazed at how our Dino's teachin's are so deep and true, besides, of course, bein' the funniest....keeps lovin' our Dino....

  3. I really dig all Dinos jokes
    He kept coming up with them even when he was working with someone

  4. Hey pallie, likes Levi dude likes thanks for sharin' more of your Dino-perspective...likes so diggs to hear from our down under Deanager...indeed our Dino's teachin' likes just flows offa his tongue likes some of his liquid free, so easy...keeps lovin' our Dino....

  5. Great quotes. He's so cool... I love the quote on Milton Berle (even without knowin' who's that guy). But it's so real what he was telling... Dino, the one and only!!...

    Take care, my friend and have a good week. Cheers! ;-)

  6. Hey pallie, great to hear from you Kinezoe dude...and yup nobody cooler then our beloved Dino...thanks for droppin' some Dino-patter and likes, always always, keeps lovin' our Dino...
