Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Art Of Manliness: Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes to me one of the coolest thin's 'bout searchin' and seekin' for Dino on the 'net is all the amazin'ly brillant pads that I comes 'cross. Today on this 10th day of Dino-amore-month, likes the Dino-love flows from a totally totally rad pad tagged "The Art Of Manliness" where a dude tagged Graham shared one of those countless photographs of our beloved Dino that shows him at his manly best....classic fedora, classic threads, classic smile.

Haven't had the op to explore this pad closely, but there oughta be tons of Dino-patter here..and if not, I will certainly tries to does my Dino-best to gets our great man greatly represented there...'cause there is no one more manly then our amazin' Dino.

ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to this Graham dude for introductin' our Dino to his coherts at "The Art Of Manliness." To view this in it's original format, and likes to checks out this manly community, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram. Dino-amorin', DMP

Dean Martin
Added by Graham on February 3, 2011 at 1:18pm


  1. Dean Martin does bring meaning to the term "manliness."

    Good find.

  2. Hey pallie, indeed Miss AOW, if you looks up the definition of manliness in the dic, you will find the definition..."to be as Dino Martin"....keeps lovin' our Dino....
