Sunday, January 09, 2011

Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams"

Hey pallies, likes welcomes back to 'nother edition of "Sunday Serenade with Dino."
On this Second Sunday of a new Dino-year, ilovedinomartin invites you likes to enjoy watchin' our wonderfully wise Dino share some of likes his tremendous inspiration with us.

I was like put on to this outstandin' Dino-version of "Wrap Up Your Troubles In Dreams" with my latest Dino-treasure purchase. A multi-set of DVDS tagged "The Best Of Johnny Carson and Friends," was at the world of wally at a very low price, and I likes noticed that the set included a Frank Sinatra Timex Special that featured our Dino, der Bing, and Miss Mitzi Gaynor.

Obviously had nothin' to do with Mr. Carson...but can't resist anythin' Dino, so made the purchase and likes took it home and was immediately entralled with all the segments that include our Dino...and 'specially our Dino's solo of "Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams." (If you click on the tagg of this Dino-gram you will find more info on this set of DVDs.)

Likes, I truly truly knows that our frazzled world has never needed more to experience the encouragin' teachin's of our master educator Dino. Watchin' and listenin' to our wise Dino invitin' us to wrap up all our troubles in dreams and then dream our troubles away is just what we need to hear in such troubled times like these.

Knows that likes for this Dino-holic there is no better way of chasin' the blues away then experiencin' our great man havin' such fun, as our Dino always seems to, in sharin' his astoundin' insights through croonin' a tune. Loves, loves, loves when our Dino lays down and that cubicle relazin' and we see his advert for "Eat at Dino's" on the bottom of one of his shoes.

While the world 'round us is in more and more chaos, our Dino invites us into his classroom of cool to be nurtured in the Dino-philosophy....a way of life sure to helps us keeps our cool no matter what happens. So takes a few to sit at the feet of our Dino and "dream your troubles away!" Dino-followin', DMP

"Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams"

When skies are cloudy and gray
They're only gray for a day
So wrap your troubles in dreams
And dream your troubles away

Until the sunshine peeks through
There's only one thing to do
Just wrap your troubles in dreams
And dream your troubles away

Your castles may tumble that's fate after all
Life's really funny that way
No use to grumble just smile as they fall
Weren't you a king for a day

Oh just remember the sunshine
Always follows the rain
So wrap up your troubles in dreams
And dream your troubles away

Castles may tumble that's fate after all
Life's really funny that way
No use to grumble just smile as they fall
Weren't you a king for a day

Oh just remember the sunshine
Always follows the rain
So wrap up your troubles in dreams
Wrap your troubles in dreams
And dream dream your troubles away


  1. Likes, I truly truly knows that our frazzled world has never needed more to experience the encouragin' teachin's of our master educator Dino.

    No doubt!

    After yesterday's terrible news out of Tuscon, I really needed these moments of encouragement from our Dino.

    Great find, DMP!

  2. Ky gave me this show when i was younger on tape and later she got me the dvd
    This is a cool show, even Frank Sinatra is ok
    I like Dino singing Wrap your troubles in Dreams and the way he smiles and grabs the pole and makes a joke about Frank.
    The cool thing is there is so much singing and the show is funny.
    Dino makes it funny

  3. Hey pallie, comin' from a great educator likes yourself Miss AOW, that is quite the many dudes just don't realize that our beloved Dino is so much more then a great entertainer...he is ever wise, ever wonderful...ever encouragin' 'specially in times likes these....

  4. Hey pallie, cool that our Ky has supplied you with this Dino-treasure and likes I totally totally agree with you Deanager Levi that it is really our Dino who steals the show with his great performances...and indeed our Dino, as ever, is so so funny! Thanks ever so much for droppin' some Dino-patter...loves it man...and likes Levi, keeps lovin' our Dino...
