Saturday, January 01, 2011

Our Dino and the kid ringin' in a New Year, 1952

Hey pallies, likes Happy New Dino-year to all my pallies here at ilovedinomartin. Likes just knows that 2011 is gonna be an even greater year of Dino-devotion for all us Dino-holics....knowin', lovin', and honorin' our Dino more and more each and every single Dino-day.

Loves des pixs circa 1952 of the greatest comedy couple ever.....our worldly wise Dino and kid innocent, the Jer. As far as I am concerned, Mr. Jerry Lewis was and is the luckiest guy in the whole wide world to have been able to spend a decade as our beloved Dino's partner. Just imagine how many many important life lessons the jer learned sittin' at the feet of our most worldly wise man ever.

So I so so digs these two pixs of our Dino and Jer....Dino as Father Time and the Jer as the new born babe....sure they were great promo pixs for the two of 'em...but likes also so very very Dino-significant of their relationship as a team.....our Dino as the daddy-o figure impartin' all his Dino-wisdom to his Jer-boypallie.

Happy New Dino-year to all my true Dino-devotees....let's make it the best Dino-year ever here at ilovedinomartin! Dino-seekin', DMP


  1. Funny, huh? Dino as Father Time (in a woman's bathrobe?) and Jerry as the New Year Baby.

    It's no secret, so I'll tell it: I was born in 1952. Nice to see my birth year celebrated so well by Dino.

  2. Hey pallie, indeed Miss AOW, funny in the coolest of cool Dino-ways....thanks for tellin'...and does wonder what is the Dino-story behind these New Year's pixs...the very best to you and Mr. AOW in 2011....
