Monday, January 03, 2011

An inspirational message from our Dino...

Hey pallies, likes just knows this is gonna be an amazin' year of liftin' up the name of our Dino here at ilovedinomartin...likes already have several great Dino-features to share with all you Dino-holics.

I was likes put onto today's Dino-post by my great Dino-bro of 'nother mother Danny G. who shared this cool Dino-find from pad "The Moderate Voice," where Mr. Joe Gandelman, Editor-In-Chief in Arts & Entertainment has puts his readers on to the vintage Dino-vid of our beloved Dino singin' "When You're Smilin'" to a little girl.
Mr. Gandelman makes claim that the wee one is one of our Dino's girlpallies...likes can any of you Dino-philes collaborate that as Dino-fact?

When Danny G. sent it my way he tagged it "An inspirational message from our Dino...," and indeed it Gandelman sez, there are crises of all sorts goin' on...but Gandleman states the deep, pure, and true Dino-truth...."The words of the song, Martin’s love and his daughter’s gaze are what our being here on earth should really be about."

Never has the world needed Dino-inspiration more then it needs it likes these very Dino-days and we thanks Mr. Joe Gandelman of "The Moderate Voice' for likes givin' such Dino-encouragement at the beginnin' of this New Dino-year! To view this in it's original format, as usual, just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram.

Thanks to our great pallie Danny G. for helpin' ilovedinomartin spreads some amazin' Dino-inspirational this very Dino-day. Keeps smilin' pallies...and keeps lovin' our Dino.... Dino-inspired, DMP

A Song to Remember in Tough Times

Posted by JOE GANDELMAN, Editor-In-Chief in Arts & Entertainment.
Jan 2nd, 2011

As 2011 begins, I continue to be struck by the number of people I know who are undergoing financial crises, family crises and personal crises. Hopefully 2011 will prove a happier year for them than the end of 2010 or the first day of 2011. And it’s fitting to think about the lyrics of this song — a video from a TV show shot a long time ago, with Dean Martin singing a song to his adoring young daughter. The words of the song, Martin’s love and his daughter’s gaze are what our being here on earth should really be about:


  1. Never has the world needed Dino-inspiration more...

    Amen to that!

    Is that little girl in the video Gina?

  2. Hey pallie, glads that we are in Dino-agreement Miss AOW...I'm not ever sure if the lass is one of our Dino's girlpallies or not...hopin' some one will be able to answer that Dino-quire....
