Monday, January 31, 2011

Dino-amore-month Just 'Round The Dino-corner

Hey pallies, likes just a little heads up that our special celebration of Dino-amore-month is just 'round the corner. While the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino are celebrated each and every Dino-day of each and every Dino-year, durin' three months of the year we likes puts special accents on honorin' our beloved Dino. Durin' June we celebrate the birth of our Dino and durin' December we honor our Dino's death.

And, durin' February. the month of amore, we celebrate Dino-amore-month 'round these parts 'cause likes as all true Dino-holics knows, there never was and never will be anyone more amorin' then our beloved Dino!

Likes it woulda be so so cool this Dino-year if more pallies who loves our Dino woulda likes speaks their Dino-love through sharin' their favorite Dino-pixs..writin' their Dino-passion in likes some Dino-prose, and celebratin' their Dino-devotion by puttin' together a special amore edition of a Sunday Serenade with Dino. And, these are just some of the ways that pallies likes us can show the world why we truly truly sez...ilovedinomartin!

If you woulda likes to speaks with me 'bout sharin' your love of our Dino durin' Dino-amore-month, please likes just email me at Truly I so loves spreadin' my Dino-passion each and every Dino-day at this here Dino-blog...but how cool it woulda be if you dear Dino-devoted readers woulda openly and unabashedly shares your Dino-devotion with the wider Dino-world.

Likes pallies I felt so so Dino-inspired to use the amazin' Dino-pix above for this Dino-announcement. For me it is an outstandin' pix of Dino-amore....our beloved Dino with his omnipresent cigarette surrounded by such a bevy of adorin' is purely Dino-magical! Lookin' forward to celebratin' Dino-amore month with all you pallies...let's show our Dino likes how much we loves him! Dino-devotedly, DMP


  1. Hi, we just stumbled upon your blog... cool... as in the "King of Cool" Dean Martin. I thought you or your readers might like to know a little info on this blog's photo. This pic was taken during Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin's tour they did together in 1977. Dean brought the Golddiggers group along for that tour. We were part of that singing & dancing troupe(the Alberici sisters, Maria Lauren & Linda Eichberg). Dean was very dear to us. We worked with him for about 16 years and wrote a book about our times together with him and many other entertainment icons of that era. The book is called BEYOND OUR WILDEST DREAMS. Dino, thanks for the memories!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss Linda so happy that you have found your way to our humble little to know the back story on the Dino-pix...hopes you will makes yourself at home and share freely of your Dino-memories! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
