Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dean Martin playing poker in "Mr. Ricco" (1975)

Hey pallies, likes the Dino-truth continues to be DINO IS EVERYWHERE. As I continue to be guided and led by Dino in searchin' the 'net for ever more cool Dino-sightin's...discovered this cool pad, "Robert Eisenstadt's Antique Gambling Chips & Gambling Memorabilia Web Site," that includes movie stills of Top Male Stars gamblin' in flicks.

Of course, our Dino is represented here, includin' this outstandin' pix of our beloved Dino playin' poker in his last starrin' role of "Mr. Ricco." Ain't our Dino likes gots himself the greatest of great "poker faces." Tells you pallies, our great man has the greatest of great way of usin' facial expressions..or lack there of to sets the mood.

So wishes that "Mr. Ricco" woulda gets released on DVD....not one of our Dino's best roles...but one of his most interestin'...and as often happens to our amazin' Dino, his performance in "Ricco" is ever so underated. To view this pix in it's original format, just likes clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram to goes to the gamblin' site.
Dino-sharin', DMP

Dean Martin playing poker in "Mr. Ricco" (1975)


  1. Our Dino was a skilled croupier back in the day of the speak easies. Rumor has it that he dealt cards in the back rooms of Washington, D.C. and Baltimore.

  2. BTW, a good friend of ours did play blackjack with our Dino in Vegas back in the 60s or 70s. Our friend said, "He was one serious card player."

  3. Hey pallie, thanks for sharin' those Dino-rumors...always lovin' learnin' each and every Dino-detail that I cans....makes me wonder if our Dino ever dealt for any world leaders..thinks how wonderful it woulda been to have our Dino as your dealer...thanks for droppin' some Dino-patter ma'am...

  4. Hey pallie, Miss AOW how special it woulda be just to watch our Dino playin', let alone sittin' at the same table and playin' WITH DINO!...I stand in awe of your friend....musta be the thrill of his entire life!
