Wednesday, January 05, 2011

‘The Dean Martin of Congressional Politics’ Demonstrates Old-Fashioned Virtues

Hey pallies, from the political pad "The National Review Online" from the pen of Mr. Patrick Basham, director of the Democracy Institute and a Cato Institute adjunct scholar, comes today's Dino-discovery at the pad's column, "The Corner."

With the gavel of the House of Representatives bein' handed over to new Speaker, the Honorable John Boehner, this oughta be just the first of tons of Dino-mentions in connection to the Ohio representative's tagg as ‘The Dean Martin of Congressional Politics.' As Mr. Basham pontificates, "the new Speaker, John Boehner, looked every inch the Dean Martin of congressional politics as he strode, deeply tanned and nattily attired, through the U.S. Capitol."

While ilovedinomartin always has and always will remain a-politico, it is none-the-less so so thrillin' to know that with Rep. Boehner as the Head of the House, the mentions of our Dino will obviously flow as freely as our beloved Dino's fondness for liquid refreshments.

Rep. Boehnner, besides his obvious Ohio connections with our great man, shares our Dino's passions for bein' a tanned man, golf, ever-present cigarettes, and liquid libations of enjoyment.

The Dino-Boehner connections will certainly help bring tons of new pallies to the knowin', lovin', and honorin' of our King of Cool. ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to respected political commentator Mr. Patrick Basham, for liftin' up the name of our Dino in this way at "The National Review Online." To view this in it's original format, just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-prose. Dino-promotin', DMP

‘The Dean Martin of Congressional Politics’ Demonstrates Old-Fashioned Virtues

January 5, 2011 4:11 P.M. By Patrick Basham

The new majority’s strategic priority should be to heed the proverb “He who hesitates is lost.” The Republicans have at most 11 months to enact their agenda before the substance of congressional business becomes a sideshow to the symbolic politics of a presidential election year. The nation’s economic and strategic health necessitates that the GOP hits the ground running. Conveniently for the Republicans, their electoral health requires the same fast, tangible start.

The Republicans’ policy focus should be on treating Americans as adults capable of making their own decisions about how their incomes are spent. Restoring fiscal sanity to the federal budget is the obvious place to start. But rolling back onerous regulation is also necessary, if Americans are to be treated as adults in their non-economic lives too. They should put an end to the nonsensical nudging and nannying about what, where, and how we eat, drink, gamble, smoke — and seek our health care.

The new Speaker, John Boehner, looked every inch the Dean Martin of congressional politics as he strode, deeply tanned and nattily attired, through the U.S. Capitol. After accepting the Speaker’s gavel, the substance and tone of his words were straightforward, collegial, and modest. Such old-school qualities suggest an adult may be in charge on Capitol Hill. That alone constitutes a good start.

— Patrick Basham directs the Democracy Institute and is a Cato Institute adjunct scholar.


  1. Yep.

    Boehner may bring some joy to Capitol Hill with his charisma, so much like that of Dino's charisma and style.

    Yesterday, before I saw this posting, I did mention to one of my clients that Boehner is "The Dean Martin of Capitol Hill." My client nodded enthusiastically!

    BTW, I've read that Boehner may institute his own smoking lounge on Capitol Hill. But are Kent cigarettes still being manufactured?

  2. Hey pallie, "BTW, I've read that Boehner may institute his own smoking lounge on Capitol Hill. But are Kent cigarettes still being manufactured?" First of all indeed Kent smokes are readily available...but Speaker Boehner makes Barley his smoke of choice. Any clue on where you read 'bout Boehner takin' the bold move to create a smokin' lounge? Likes I'd loves to read that for myself!
    Thanks for you faithful devotion to our beloved Dino!

  3. The rumor here is that Boehner will have a smoking lounge. If I can confirm that rumor, I'll let you know.

  4. Hey pallie, Miss AOW will be lookin' for more on this...and here is a bit 'bout Rep. Boehner's change in smoke brands....
    ""He's not going to change," said Rep. Pete King (R-L.I.). "Everyone told him to stop smoking Barclays cigarettes. He didn't stop until they went out of business. Now he's smoking Camels." That is Camel Ultra Lights.

    Read more:
