Friday, January 14, 2011

At The Home Of Danny G.: Blowin' Snow While Gettin' Blitized On Dino

Hey pallies, likes I am so so delighted to be sharin' today's Dino-gram written by one of ilovedinomartin's most faithful Dino-readers, Mr. Danny G. Today's post is the second in what's we hopes will become a regular Dino-feature here at the ol' ilovedinomartin Dino-blog....."At The Home Of Danny G."

Danny G. is just a regular kind of guy tryin' to live a regular kind of life...with one rad difference....Danny G. is doin' his best to lives a Dino-centric sorta of life. Today's Dino-patter from Danny speaks volumes 'bout the difference that our beloved Dino can makes in doin' "tedious" tasks likes blowin' snow after a big dump in his "beautiful and blistering cold Massachusetts" town.

We thanks our great pallie Danny G. for sharin' how knowin', lovin' and honorin' our great man is makin' such a huge impact on his every day livin'....settin' likes the bestest of best Dino-example for all of us Dino-holics to trys to likes emulate!

And, btw, the wintertime pix comes from a dude tagged Corey over at flickr and likes if you clicks on the tagg of this here Dino-post you will be able to see it featured at Corey's pad. Dino-focused, DMP

Hey pallies. Thought I'd take a minute out of my snowed-in day to share my thoughts with mi amici (my friends) at ilovedinomartin. We are in the midst of our first big "Nor'Easter" here in beautiful and blistering cold Massachusetts. Time to fire up the ol' snow blower, take a little belt of brandy and hit the driveway.

Luckily for me, wifey bought me an ipod for my birthday last year and I have it STUFFED with 146 of my Dino-fav's!!! So I simply put in my mini headphones and step out into the winter wonderland! Thanks to our great man, this tedious, frigid task now is more of a little break from the wee Dino one's to get some quality Dino listenin' in! I can always count on Dean to make my season matter the weather! I tell my friends to do the same, but they just don't get it like we do. Too bad. I feel bad for people who don't totally dig Dino, no, I mean it, cause when they wake up, that's as good as their gonna feel all day!!! Ha!

Lovin' my Dino day!
Danny G.

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